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I am so dumb. What was I thinking when I went on this one man/woman mission?

I mean what the heck am I and Jake gonna talk about?

Our so called "Friendship"?


Ya... Whatever.

I parked my truck and sat on the rusty bench in the park. It was deserted as always and had slight misty fog clinging around. I had never been here after Jake left because it reminded me too much about him. All I can think about is how he had told me that lame goodbye and left me. I was already a socially-awkward person, but, Jake, He was the complete opposite. I guess he was the reason I even had a few friends that time.

Damn it, why am I being so nostalgic? It's not like he died or something.

Okay. Chill out Sarah. 1.. 2.. 3... 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

"Hey" shouted Jake.

You can say that he had very well shocked me cuz I nearly fell out of the bench when I heard him.

I turned to him and saw his mouth open wide and somewhat confused. "What" I replied

"I never thought that you would actually come!" he told.

"So, should I leave now?"

"No!!! Sarah! You very well know that I didn't mean that!"

"Whatever Jake"

He came and cautiously sat beside me. He sat there staring at me for a long while and then finally broke the tension with a cough.

"Well...." I dragged, "What now? Why did you want to meet me?"

Jake looked at me like I was crazy and said," Sarah! Why are you acting so hostile? I'm your best friend! You know why I came here! Why are acting like that? I know that you are angry at me for leaving you alone in this hellhole but then I thought that you must have forgotten it by now! I missed you too. I really really did. There was no one like you over there. I wanted to talk to you every day and bond together like how we used to do before. We were inseparable. What happened?"

"WHAT HAPPENED? Jake you left me. THAT HAPPENED. In fact I didn't even realize that you were yourself until that stupid bitch told your name. You totally ignored me in the morning. And then... You told Shanaya that you'd sit with her in lunch. What bullshit was that? Okay I do appreciate you standing up or me later onwards but still. Did you even bother to call me once after you left? Well forget calling, at least you could have sent a message. I mailed you so many times, did you reply? NO... You didn't and now... WHAT the HELL do you mean by you wanna bond? Huh? Makes perfect sense doesn't it. Leave your friend for 6 years and then return and tell you wanna bond. You are fucking ridiculous. Go to Shanaya and do your damn "Bonding". She would understand it better. And maybe if you are lucky you may fuck her by the end of the day too becuz she is such a freaking despo."

I can see in his eyes that he is hurt by my words. Yes, I guess I was a total bitch right now but I too have feelings. I guess venting my anger on him wasn't the best option though. He seemed severely affected by my word-blows. His mouth turned into a straight line and his shoulders drooped.

"I'm sorry" he voiced out.

"Jake... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"No, Sarah you are right. You have every right to hate me. I was a big fat and hopeless jerk to you. I should have messaged atleast once. And I am an asshole for not replying to your mails. But, I have my reasons."


"Yes, Ms Clueless, You might not know but I have a step brother in China. My mom is a Russian agent right, so when she got a mission in China she had met this guy named Chung Ho. He was really helpful and sweet and some way or another they fell in love. My mom got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy but then the American spies found out about Chung Ho. He was arrested and then hanged for treason. My step brother lives with Chung Ho's first wife and family. You know that my dad had passed away when I was 11 right? And my mom was being hunted down by the same American spies. I had no choice but to leave and by leaving I had to leave you and the place I was born in. It killed me inside to delete all you mails and such. But, I had to."

What? I never knew all that before. Wait, I didn't even know his mom went to China.

Well.. I missed out a lotta things and that was one of them.

Now I am feeling so damn guilty for calling him names and such. I mean all he tried to do was protect his family and I just screamed at hi like some jealous ex who was also a clingy bitch. Way to go Sarah, that is the best impression that you should give your best friend who had come back after 6 years.

"Jake, I'm sorry. I would love to take back all that I had said before, but, the words have already marked you. Please forgive me"

"Sarah, no matter what you do, You'd always have a place in my heart"

I wasn't able to stop the stupid tears from coming out of my eyes. What is wrong with me. I'm like a girl on periods... And I'm not even on periods. Wait, maybe I am... grr... whatever.

He precariously wiped a tear away from my cheek and pulled me in for a hug.

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