Chapter 3 The Hunting Competition

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Finally, the hunting competition. I’m so excited! The only problem is that I’m the only girl in the competition. And all my competitors are giant men with muscles as big as my head (except Conrad). I’m just happy were allowed to use whatever kind of weapon we want as long as it can be used to be thrown many feet away from the target. I thought about using my throwing knives, but I think I’m just going to use my bow and arrows. My arrows aren’t made of the best materials, but maybe the arrows will work a little better if they’re covered with deadly poison… 

What I’m going to do is to run into the forest, find a place to settle down (getting my weapons ready and stuff), kill one big moose or deer, take it back to the village, take out the flesh and make it edible and then deliver it to the judges. The one man (or me, the only girl) who gets the meat fastest to the judges wins. But if the meat is too bloody or too messy then he (or me) has to go back into the forest and do everything all over again, just better…

‘’Ready, set, go!’’ One of the judges screamed.

I ran as fast as I could to a tree I could climb up and hunt from. I made my bow ready and pulled out an arrow from my bag that I made for my arrows. I leaned my head into the tree as I waited for a moose or a deer to pass me. I took a deep breath and turned my head to see if any type of animal was on its way pass the tree.

Nothing happened. Did I settle down on a bad place to hunt? Probably…I put the arrow that I had in the bow back in the bag. I took the bow around my body and climbed down the tree. When I got to the ground and was on my way to settle down somewhere else, I saw a moose 3 feet away from me. I felt a shock go through my entire body and in desperation climbed as fast as I could back up in the tree. My heart was pumping double as fast as it did earlier. I took some deep breaths and then tried to breathe slowly and quiet so the moose wouldn’t go away.

I took an arrow from the bag as silent as I could and put it in the bow. I pointed the arrow at the moose and took the arrow closer to my chest. When the arrow pointed exactly at the moose’s belly I let go of the arrow. The arrow shot into the moose’s body real quick. I started to breath heavy again. I picked up the moose and carried him over my shoulders. The moose was really heavy so I couldn’t run. Shocked and proud I walked to the table with the knives and the water. I hate this part. Normally it’s me who’s hunting and mom that’s cooking. When I was done cutting out a fillet I ran to the judges and gave it to them. The judges put the fillet on a plate and started to punch it. After that they smelled it and gave it back to me. They didn’t say anything. They just stared at me. Then after a short while one of the judges smiled at me.

‘’You did well. Good job.’’ He said.

I smiled wide and couldn’t stop thanking them for the flattery. The judges said I was the third person who was done. So I didn’t win. Actually, I think it was Conrad who won. I’ll just ask him later.

I went back to my house and gave the fillet to my mom so she could cook it in the fire in the eating hall. I feel disappointed over myself that I didn’t win the silver arrow, but at least I got some dinner… I walked to Conrad’s house and knocked on the door. It was Conrad’s dad that opened the door.

‘’Hi…’’ I said nervous. ‘’Is Conrad home?’’

‘’Uh no. He’s visiting Caleb’’ He said.

‘’Ok. See you’’ I said and walked away.

Now, you may wonder who Caleb is… Caleb Morth. Caleb is a friend of me and Conrad from when we were kids. I, Caleb and Conrad were best friends. Until Sophia came to our friend gang. Then I didn’t want to hang with them anymore. I’ve hated Sophia since we were kids. She always took my ideas and she always tried to be better than me in stuff we liked to do. Especially hunting and tree climbing. And I’m still better than her at it. The only thing she’s better than me at is being a bitch and walking around thinking she owns the world. Gosh sometimes I wonder what she would do if I was Conrad’s girlfriend instead of her. That would definitely be a dream coming true…

A/N: Chapter 3 WOOP cx Felt like putting up another chapter right after I put up chapter 2 so yeh X3 As always thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment and pleas vote the chapter c: I shall post chapter 4 either later today or tomorrow ~ In the meantime be well and I'll cya later ^^

P.S sorry for the short chapter :3 The other ones will be longer I think. But some chapters are gonna be short and that's that.. X3

- Wrixx

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