Chapter 2 Hunting and Jealousy

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I went downstairs to see if mom was awake. If she was still asleep I could sneak out of the window and practice on my knife-throwing skills in the woods. Mom was just lying in bed. And as usual: snoring so loud that the entire village could hear her. I opened the window and jumped into the hay that my mom put ready yesterday for the horses to eat when they woke up. I feel kind of bad for jumping in our animal’s food…  

‘’Sorry, Lucius’’ I whispered and jumped out of the hay.  (By the way, Lucius is my favorite horse…)

The sun was about to rise, so I’d better hurry practice before Conrad woke up. He always wakes up when the sun comes up. He says that the sun shuts his dreams and tells him to wake up. Kind of strange. But a little cute, don’t you think?

I jumped over the wooden fence that keeps us all together in one big circle and ran into the brightened up forest. The forest looked much bigger and prettier when it was light outside. I normally just went into the forest at night to collect some wood for our fireplace. Good thing about hunting early in our forest is that it’s so many moose and deers there in the morning.

I walked around looking for tracks. Some seconds after I heard breathing. I forced myself to the ground and crawled to the closest bush that could hide my entire body. I sat up on my knees and saw a little blink of what kind of creature that was in front of me. It was a moose. A really big one, too. I pulled out three small knives from my leather belt and put them in front of my right knee skull.

I put one of the small knives between my long finger and my index finger. It was nothing to hold on the knife. It was a pure blade, but only one side of the blade was sharp so I could hold on the side of the blade that wasn’t so sharp. I took some poison on the blade so I could kill the moose on the first throw. And that way the moose wouldn’t suffer that much when the blade went through its flesh. I sat up a little so I could see the entire moose. I put my hand with the knife behind my head, ready to throw. When the moose was only two meters away from me, I forced my arm to move forward in a quick speed and then let go of the blade. Right after I threw the knife I ducked under the bush so the moose couldn’t see who threw it, just in case it was still alive after the first blade. But it wasn’t. At least I didn’t think so. I couldn’t hear his heavy breath anymore. I looked up and saw the moose lay on the ground.

I picked up the two blades on the ground in front of me and put them back in my belt. I sat on my knee in front of the moose’s face. I took my fingers on his eyes and closed them.

‘’May your soul go the right way.’’ I said while I put my hands like a cross over my chest.

I feel terrible for killing a living creature just for practice, but at least I hit the moose on the right spot. I mean I had to have hit it on the right spot since it died on the first throw. I’m way too lazy to practice more. So I’ll just return to the village and see if Conrad’s awake.

When I came back to the village I saw Conrad feeding the pigs. I put my hands in my pockets, trying to be cool and calm. I walked slowly up to him.

‘’Hey’’. I said as cool as I could be.

‘’Good morning, Leora’’. He said. ‘’I didn’t know that you were awake this early’’.

‘’Oh. No I’m just chilin… I said. I’m so stupid. Why did I say that?!

Conrad laughed of me. ‘’Good for you, I guess’’.

Great. At least now nothing can go any worse… I thought. Until I saw Sophia sitting in front of the big fire in the middle of our village.

‘’Conrad! Over here! ‘’Sophia shouted while waving at Conrad.

Gosh I just want to barf. I hate her! She thinks she owns everyone. And she thinks she’s so pretty… But she’s not! I just want to go inside and sleep for the rest of the day now. But then mom ran up to me and told me to talk to Sophia to get some more deer leather. Great…

I walked up to Sophia’s little camp. The place was all covered with leather from different animals. She even had golden dragon leather! But that was probably fake leather. Or she probably stole it from her dad. I waited. And waited. And waited, but Sophia didn’t come. I looked around and then I saw Conrad sitting beside Sophia. And they were holding around each other! What happened? Are they like married now?! Kill me, please…

Sophia saw me at her little camp. She lifted Conrad’s arm off her shoulders and ran up to me. She had that sneaky look like she used to have when she and I talked face to face.

‘’Hi, Leora’’. She said with a sly voice.

‘’Just shut up and give me some more leather’’. I said and threw some galliance at the wooden desk.

‘’Your just jealous about me and Conrad aren’t you?’’ She asked with an ugly voice. ‘’And your jealous that he invited me to the dance tonight and not you. Right?’’ She asked again

‘’What?! No. I don’t care about you and Conrad. But someone as ugly as a troll shouldn’t be with Conrad.’’ I said grumpy. ‘’Sometimes it’s hard to see if you’re a girl or a boy’’. I said while smiling wide.

She took the galliance and gave me an ugly look. Then she threw the deer leather at me, while smiling. Sometimes I wish I had a dragon like they had in the old times. Then I could command my dragon to eat her up. I just hope my time is coming soon...

A/N: Alright here's the 2nd chapter ^^ Thank youvery much for reading and feel free to leave me a vote and a comment =*u*= That's pretty much it... So yeh. Cya! :p P.S If you go check out the table of content for the book, you will know a little more about the book ^^

- Wrixx

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