Chapter 4 A Helping Hand From a Good Friend

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 I sat on a tree bench in the eating hall while staring at my empty plate. I’m just so depressed because I didn’t win that silver arrow. And I don’t have anyone to dance with later tonight either. The only person I know who doesn’t have anyone to dance with is Caleb, but he sucks at dancing. Why does always Sophia take Conrad before me? It’s not fair! They’re not meant to be together…

When everyone was done eating and all the dishes got cleaned, everyone went to the pub and drank bear and danced. I lay in the grass looking up at the stars. I was all alone out there. At least I thought so…

I saw Caleb walk out of the forest with his crossbow. He walked up to me. Then he put away his crossbow and lay beside me.

‘’Hi.’’ He said while putting his hands on his head.

‘’Hey.’’ I said back. ‘’ Why aren’t you inside with the others in the pub?

‘’Because it’s boring in there…’’ He answered. ‘’ Why aren’t you in there dancing with Conrad?’’

‘’Because he’s dancing with Sophia. And I don’t want to dance with him...’’ I said.

‘’Bullshit...’’ He said and sat up. 

‘’Not really. I think it’s time for me to forget about Conrad. He still love’s Sophia no matter how embarrassed I make her in front of him…’’ I said and sat up too.

Caleb gave me his arrow bag. I gave him a stupid look. What was I supposed to do with Caleb’s arrow bag? He snatched the bag out of my hands and started to look for something in the bag. Then he started to smile. He put something behind his back and looked smart at me.

‘’Which hand do you pick?’’ He asked playfully.

‘’Just like when we were kids, I guess. I said smiling. ‘’The left hand.’’

Caleb took his left hand and handed what he had behind his back to me. The silver arrow. He was holding the silver arrow from the hunting competition! But I can’t remember seeing him in the competition. Or maybe he stole it from the winner? I slowly took the arrow from his hand. I looked nervous on him.

‘’Where did you get this?’’ I asked. 

‘’I won it. In the hunting competition earlier today.’’ He said. ‘’I know how much you want it. So here it is. You’re welcome.

‘’B-B-But I can’t remember seeing you... I said while shaking.

‘’Maybe that’s because you ran like a panther into the woods to find a place to hunt from?’’ He asked ironic.

‘’Oh yeah. I said, blushing. Thanks.’’ 

Caleb didn’t answer. He just looked up at the stars. I put the silver arrow in a little pocket inside the bag. Just in case if anyone would try to steel it, then they wouldn’t be able to see it. 

Caleb wasn’t really born in The Green Dragon Village. He was born in The White Dragon Village, but his mother didn’t feel welcome there. So they escaped at night to our village and told the owner of the village to take them in. He didn’t take in Caleb’s mother, but they took in him. And that’s why he’s so lonely. And that’s also why he talks in another way than the rest of us.

I asked Caleb if he wanted to ride our horses tomorrow morning. He said yes, but he just had to check if Dusty was in good shape (Dusty is Caleb’s horse…).

 I haven’t been on a horse ride with Caleb for a while. I think it’s actually going to be fun. I smiled and picked up my bag.

‘’You coming?’’ I asked him.

‘’No, I’ll just lie here a little longer.’’ He answered.

‘’Ok. See yah.’’ I said and walked home.

‘’Bye.’’ He screamed after me.

I opened the door to my room and threw my bag beside my bed. I went into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water. I took of my clothes and gently walked in the bathtub. When I was done wiping off all the water drops off my body I got on my nightdress and went to bed.

I couldn’t sleep. Even how much I wanted to. I just couldn’t. So I landed up with looking at old pictures. I found this picture with me and Caleb from when we were kids. We were holding hands and laughing while running to some place. It’s really cute. I think I’ll show it to Caleb tomorrow. Or not. We’ll see…

A/N: Chapter 4 is out yeyyyy X3 I thought since chapter 3 was so short, and I knew that chapter 3 would be short as well, I thought I could post both of them on the same day ^^ As always thank you for reading the book, leave a comment if you like and while you're here why not vote the chapter for me? c: I will be putting out chapters every second day. So next update will be on thirsday ^^ (unless I get bored ofc then I'll upload the next xhapter tomorrow X3)

- Wrixx

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