Chapter Three: To be Unconditional

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About 6 Months Ago
That autumn was the day it happened. If you loved One Direction you knew him. Louis Tomlinson and one lucky fan girl whom happened to be in LST took on the title of his girlfriend. The stage manager herself, Alexa Leahy. A tall girl with an hourglass frame and skin proving her Hispanic origins with perfectly rounded glasses and a kind demeanor. They were perfect for each other. She loved how he always called her, "love." And Louis would always take her to Disneyworld. However, when the band broke up that winter Louis was crushed. Alexa did everything she could to make him happy. She would go over to his house and clean as if his own personal maid, she would lie next to him in bed. She cooked his favorite Bean Jalapeños Tamales. Alexa would do anything for Louis. But it was never enough.
One day in March, she went over to his house after rehearsal. Louis had passed out on the couch again. He was a beautiful man with a beautiful voice, but it just wasn't the same anymore. Alexa sighed. She grabbed the post-its on the counter, a few feet away from the couch in the kitchen. She began to write, moving her feminine figure towards the couch where Louie lie, post it's in hand. Alexa stared down at the brunette, his face paled and hair raggedier rather than the usual fluff. She would miss this face... Such puffy cheeks and... No. Alexa had made up her mind. That was the day that she needed to get out. When she was done, she left the post it on the counter next to the television, it read "I realize, that you, acted like you bought me at a bargain sale, and you don't even care. I gave you a part of me, but that is something you can never take away from me, because you're not going to break my soul. I am strong, and I don't need to be in love to prove it."
Brooke POV
The tall, tanned girl walked into the room, long brown hair flowed across as if being pushed by a force of wind. "Brooke!" Emma Cagle, her best friend, motioned over to Brooke and a stool next to her. "So did you hear the news?" Emma said as Brooke began to take her seat on the stool. Brooke's eyes furrowed in question, "What news?" "Apparently Alexa broke up with Louie," Emma responded looking down slightly. "Louis Tomlinson?" Brooke asked. "Yeah... apparently some newscasters popped in at his house and found the ex directioner crying. When they asked what happened he said something like, 'The most beautiful girl left me today and I don't know why.' It's been speculated to be Alexa." "No way!" "Girl I know, I'm so shook," Emma responded. Really. This could be Brooke's chance! Breakups were hard and all, but Brooke couldn't help it. Now, with Louis and Alexa dissolved, Brooke could finally snatch Louie's women!
Time Skip
At home that night, Brooke knew what she was going to do. Finally. Brooke stared into her closet to find a tight, black body suit. It was covered in nude colored lacing, and was exposive to the chest region. "I wonder." Brooke stated, staring at the article of clothing. "If I can seduce Alexa with this."
At Dane's house, Tessa and Dane were watching the recording of their fall show, Romeo and Juliet. It truly was a tragedy in the end, but what made that play special that they played Romeo and Juliet respectively in the same showing, and the good thing was that Tessa and Dane weren't actually dead.
Tessa POV
The blonde sat next to her boyfriend on the couch, his arm around her shoulder, reminiscing in the autumnal times. "Haha, I remember when Trey said the line about a man's wondering eye and the audience lost it!" Dane told Tessa, pointing at the screen. "Yes! I also remember when you guys almost couldn't find the note exchanged between you and the servant too!" Tessa mentioned in reminiscence. However, that wasn't the only thing to remember. Tessa grew even closer to someone else in that show. She sighed, turning away from her boyfriend's endearing eyes. "What's wrong?" Dane asked. She looked away again. "Come on! You can tell me anything!" Dane said. Tessa's face slowly lifted up to meet Dane's. "You promise you won't hate me?" Tessa asked. "I promise." Dane responded. "You know, you mean the world to me and I love you so much!" "Oh Tessa, I love you the most!" "But-" "But?" "I have fallen for another girl, and I'm trying to hide my feelings because I care for you so much! But... when working with Mariel, I fell in love with that girl, as she was the other Juliet, to parallel mine."
The Next Day
Mariel POV
Mariel, a small girl of petite stature and lightly tanned skin, with hair as deep as midnight and a cutesy fashion sense, sat next to a close friend. The friend was Kelly Brasseux, a girl of hourglass figure that many craved, whom wore glasses and shoulder length brown hair. Also, it should be noted Mariel's friend Kelly is currently vegan. "Hey Mariel! Why the sad look on your face?" Kelly asked. "Awww, don't you need to worry about happened with Sarah?" Mariel asked in response. "Yes, I love Sarah, and I'd do anything for her, but I love you too! And if you need someone to cheer you up, then that's what I'll do." "Fine," Mariel said, giving in to Kelly's puppy dog eyes, "It's boys." Kelly chuckled, an amusing gesture she made on her own. "Oh boys!" Mariel pouted, "It's not funny! You know about how I fancy Bobby, but there's another boy whom is equally as handsome named Tanner!" Kelly sighed, shaking her head putting her hand up to her forehead. "They're all just a bunch of pigs." Kelly stared firmly. "Really?" Mariel asked. "Yes, you needn't such a scoundrel to hold you down." Kelly continued. In response, Mariel gave Kelly a strange look and asked, "Kelly who hurt you?"
"Mariel!!!" Kelly retorted, "they're all pigs because that's all men eat. Meat!" Mariel resumed her argument, "But a lot of people eat meat! Not just men. In fact, the only other person whom didn't eat meat here was Sarah's-" "DONT," Kelly said raising her voice, "just please don't bring that up." Kelly looked at Mariel with an unemotional face, and then turned around. Walking off and through the theatre doors as if she had lost all feelings.
Kelly POV
Kelly was so shook. Didn't Mariel get it? Men are pigs! Kelly even stated it and she knew that Mariel had been just as hurt before as the same was for Kelly. Staring at the ground as she walked, she bumped into a broad chest. Kelly's heart pounded a bit when she realized who's sweat she was feeling. "Whoa Whoa Whoa." A somewhat high, but manly voice rang. "Kelly are you okay?" Kelly looked up at the tall boy who just spoke. He was fairly buff and had nice curly blonde locks with sea green eyes one could get lost in. She sighed, staring up at the tall boy. "Yes, I'm fine Bobby." Kelly said slightly whimpering. "Are you sure?" Bobby asked. She sighed, "Yes, I'm ok." "Well, have you seen Mariel?" The tall boy asked. Kelly lost it. She breathed in a huge breath, her face reddening in an anger that one might never see from Kelly. Kelly bolted off, her heart pounding and mind lost to confusion. Of course. Bobby would never notice Kelly, Mariel was cheer captain and Kelly was always on the bleachers, cheering Bobby on at his track meets and whatever sports games he might join. When would he wake up to find, that what Bobby was looking for, had been here the whole time. Bobby belonged with Kelly, because she had always been there for him, in theatre and whatever he attempted. Kelly drove off, crying listening to Linkin Park in the car. At the stoplight next to the school, she pulled out some eyeliner from her bag, reapplying it heavily, only to have tears sweep down her face and cause it to run.
Bobby POV
Shoot. He blew it again. Kelly darted out just like that. What was wrong? Bobby just needed to speak to Mariel as she was Kelly's closest friend, and maybe she could advise him on how to present a bouquet of roses and spring lilies back in his car. Bobby sighed. What went wrong?

Hey guys! So sorry I took forever to release this chapter, but I needed to make it long for the missed time. I've been a bit held down by schoolwork and I went on vacation during spring break, but I'm back, and I'm excited to start writing more of the fanfic. Thank you so much for reading. (^ω^)💚

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