It Goes On and On and On (Warning: Slight Promiscuity)

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(Author's Note: Teehee, sorry it's been so long! If you know me, you know how emotional and extra I am as a person so it's hard for me to write sometimes when I get really down and it's hard to trust people with my problems and I burden others a lot anyway. That and I've been trying to be of good support to my theatre company even though we may have not made it to the goal we all hoped for. I do want to recognize the theatre group I participate in. I'm sadly not as useful, but all of the Actors, Technicians, Alternates and Company have contributed so much no matter how small the part, and no matter what anyone has said about the show that may have caused chances to turn against us in competition, I know everyone put on their best and it shows, as the performance and everyone in it shone brightly as any other gleaming diamond, and I hope to remain in the company as I was last year and until I graduate next year if all is well with the others, because I honestly love theatre and the stage so much, for acting is what has inspired me and b en my ambition ever since I was young. Anyways, I'm very sorry for talking about my life so much and being so self-absorbed, truly, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Well, never mind that, what you came here for was a new chapter!)

Vincent POV
The blonde boy stared deeply at the floor, blue pupils gleaming out through shiny and clean lenses fitted to his face perfectly. The floor was comfy carpeting, reminding him of yesterday's close embrace with a very close person to his heart. Cooper Feagan. Vincent still didn't know how he'd landed such a keeper, as many, and he knew that MANY coveted the key to Cooper's heart. Besides, as he was younger, it had been a bit of a challenge to find someone to share romantic feelings with. And what better person than his already best friend? He began to think back to last night.
~Last Night
Vincent sat in the hotel room, on the bed. It was a one bedroom, so Vincent would be sharing the bed with a roommate. Which turned out to coincidentally be the freckled baseballer himself, Cooper. Vincent's face was lit up brighter than a cherry tomato, he just hoped that the reason why, Cooper, whom was wrapped in the covers only about 2 inches away from Vincent, wouldn't notice. Vincent looked down into his birdwatching book (birdwatching was one of his many talents) (Author's Note: Empower yourself Vincent!), trying to distract himself by reminding himself of his favorite birds like the Blue Jay. And just as Vincent gained focus, the boy next to him spoke. "Hey Vincent, what's your rice purity score." In response, Vincent's face hot hotter and hotter, as if someone turned up in oven and stuttered, "W-Why do you want to know, dude? There's no way I'd tell y-y-y-ouu t-that!" (Author's Note: Sorry for all the notes, I'm hyped up on coffee right now. But I kinda wanted to make Vincent a little tsundere like one of my animes. :33) "Aww, come on, it's just a question man! Mine is 69%." Cooper responded with a little smirk. Damn, Vincent thought. Vincent sighed and responded, face still burning up, "98%." Cooper looked at Vincent, staring intensely, both of their eyes meeting like the sun and the moon in a solar eclipse. Then Cooper pulled Vincent into a strong embrace, Cooper's arms bulky in the pull from all of that baseball. Vincent brought his arms up to Cooper's rough yet shaped back, gripping his shoulders as they hugged in warmth. Cooper looked at Vincent still with arms around him and said in a slightly suggestive tone, "Can I maybe lower it to 90% tonight for you?" Oh my god. If Vincent kept flushing he would soon faint, but curiosity tugged at Vincent to agree. After all, if it was Cooper, Vincent didn't mind. Vincent's gaze again met Cooper's and he nodded. Vincent was feeling what would happen next, and he knew Cooper felt the same. And that's how it started. Cooper pulled Vincent closer, biting the tattoo of the Cardinal exposed on Vincent's shoulder, softly. Then the two's lips met and the two began passionately making out. But this night wasn't over yet. The two couldn't stop, Vincent pulling the sheets right off the corner of the mattress, exposing Cooper in his heart shaped boxers. It felt as if in this moment, the two were never getting older.
(Author's Note: Sorry, I'll let you, as the reader decide what happens next.)
~Timeskip of Which, the setting remains the same in the beach city of Corpus Christi
Chloe POV
Ever since Valentine's Day, life kept getting crazier and crazier for the short brunette. For now, on her trip with her theatre family, they were all out on the beach, to get away. Chloe even found a bud light, downing it, feeling like a bad beach, as was hard to come by. Chloe stared at Sarah. It seems she had moved on to someone else. The olive skinned and dark-haired, Anne Morgan. She pulled in Anne, as soon as she saw the girl, Anne unsuspecting of Chloe. However, Anne was not rejecting of the openness of Chloe.
Anne POV
Anne smiled at Chloe, slight blush. It seems Anne had gotten a bit tipsy, for someone had spiked Anne's water at the Seafood Restaurant she and her friends ate at. The drink of water was probably spiked with tequila, as it was musky and sweet when she drank it, and the drink's aroma automatically tingled at her nostrils. Chloe pulled her in, and soon enough, the two found each other holding each other's hands, seemingly in front of the sunset. The two gazed at each other. "Chloe..." Anne spoke softly, her pupils fluttering back and forth. "Anne.." Chloe responded with the same endearing gaze.
Nate POV
The boy ran, chasing and being chased through the beach, Nate's brown locks now out of his man-bun flying back and forth. Ahead of him Christian ran along, his caramel-toned back structured in muscularity. Nate felt his face flush, he was having fun, and he was also admiring Christian from behind, mischievously as they ran. Nate somewhat envied Christian, it was as if he was blessed with perfect stature by the heavens from above. Behind him was Bobby. Nate was overwhelmed too as he stared back at Bobby. Nate felt like some ogling fan girl, as Nate recognized the tall blonde boy was quite a hunk, with his curly locks shaped at the top of his head perfectly cut, and Bobby's eyes were just as sea green as Nate's, although now that Nate thought about it, his own were more so blue. Shoot. Sure, Nate has accepted Christian's promposal, but who was he kidding. Bobby was just as hot.
Dane POV
The black haired boy sighed, wavy locks flowing through the wind as he sat in the soft sand, the sand as finely ground and comfy as silken sheets. Dane wanted him back. So what Dane may gave accidentally almost killed Christian last year? That didn't mean that Dane couldn't snatch Christian up for his own. Dane missed him last time, but Dane knew how he could earn his affection. Speaking of which, as Dane glanced out ahead of him, Dane noticed Christian, Nate and Bobby running alongside the waves of the beach. This was his chance!

(Author's Note: As always thank you so much for reading! (=゚ω゚)ノ Until next time!) 💚

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