Chapter Five: To Want and To Love

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~Later That Night
A softly-Caramel skinned boy tossed and turning in a sleepless fashion. His messy, curly brown hair tangled and twisted around his silken pillow. Fairly bulky and of shorter stature, he had a fair amount of room to tumble around on his King-sized Mattress. So why was he turning and tossing? This boy was Christian Vigil, and the thing on his mind in his sleep was romance.
Christian POV (Dream Sequence)
The boy stood there in a church, with a nice suit and tie. His hair was in a bun and his sleeves were cuffed. Christian wasn't the only one there however. For there lie in front of him another boy in suit. The boy was seemingly holding flowers and donned a golden ring on his ring finger. The boy was taller than Christian and also sported a man-bun. The boy had brown hair and ocean blue eyes with a lean, slightly muscular frame with light olive skin. "Nate?" Christian asked. The boy turned around and smiled going in for a tight embrace. "Christian!" Nate exclaimed with his arms wrapped around Christian. "Today's the big day, huh?" Christian, realizing his surroundings, stood in surprise. Christian stared down to his hands, only to realize that Christian sported a gold ring on his finger as well. Christian could feel blush rising to his face faster than one could even say the word "marriage." Christian and Nate walked up to the altar, however just as they did, the doors slammed open. Out came the same tall, blonde whom you could distinguish from anywhere, Bobby. He was also wearing, a white wedding dress? The dress was a bit tight on Bobby with the white fabric and flowers clinging to his torso, the skirt of the dress flying around madly as if being pushed by some unknown forces. Bobby pointed his finger at both Nate and Christian at the altar. "Christian he's mine!!" Bobby yelled. Bobby ran towards them, charging headfirst like a bull. Christian in response jumped back with his hands in front of him in defense and fear of the charging man ahead of him." As Christian cowered, a strange voice, as if from the sky called out Christian's name. "Christian, Christian..." Was that the voice of some divine being calling out to him from the skies of the cathedral? "Christian. Christian, wake up! It's all a bad dream."
The next thing he knew Christian jumped in bed in a cold sweat, flying his fist in the air as if  to punch at some dangerous force ahead of him. However, the fist did not land and was caught. Christian opened his eyes, blinking at the sight before him. No, it couldn't be. The sight before him was a specter, and a familiar one too with dark hair, paled skin and hazel eyes, a specter only slightly shorter than Christian himself. "No way," Christian spoke, "Philly is that you?" The specter motioned to Christian. "Indeed," the ghost replied. The feeling of seeing Philly as a ghost bring weird enough as it was, felt strangely like deja vu. "What do you want?" Christian asked the ghost, slightly trembling. "I have come to help you," the ghost of Philly replied, "I will repay you for your kindness in my past life, and I will find you love my child."
~The Next Morning
Sarah POV
It was bright and early, a Saturday rehearsal in order to prepare for upcoming One Act Competition. With pollen in the air that made her nose scratch, Sarah took in the smell of morning blooms and fluorescent scents carried along the breeze. The blonde's long curly locks dangled and twirled around her womanly hips as she stared at Cooper from the distance, where he stood under a shaded tree. However Cooper wasn't alone from the distance. Cooper stood under a tree, holding the hands of a young, handsome boy, vitality thriving in the handsome boy's bright eyes behind glasses, and his spiky dirty blonde hair drifting in the direction of the wind. "No way," She said to herself. Catching a closer glance she saw Cooper grab the other boy's hands, holding the boy's hands in his in a shy way. "Cooper secretly liked a boy. And it was... Vincent?" Sarah muttered with a slight whimper under her breath. Sarah thought Cooper loved her. Cooper had proven it on various occasions, and he was the light in her darkness. Sarah knew she was v emo before she fell for him. Sure, Sarah had some boys on speed dial, and Sarah was sent at least 10 shirtless selfies from fairly attractive men each day by Snapchat, but... Cooper is special. He is outgoing and always fun to be around. But was that joy not meant for Sarah? No. Could it be?
Nate POV
The brunette headed boy hopped out of his car, about 30 minutes early, ready to soon take on the weekend rehearsal. However, when he looked over, he saw a familiar friend, staring straight across with an in-differentiating expression. He tapped the friend's shoulder. "Sarah, are you ok?" The blonde haired girl turned, her hair slightly more frazzled than usual. Her lip quivered a bit as she looked at him. Concerned, again Nate asked, "Sarah, are you okay??" This time, a single tear trickled down, wherein Nate patted the girl's shoulder in proof of friendship. Sarah quickly shook her head back and forth and then looked up, her expression changing into less sad, but more so one of confusion, her eyes more open to reveal Sarah's deep blue pupils, revealing a perhaps more calmed emotion. "Sarah?" Nate asked. Sarah smiled a bit and said, "Don't worry about it." As soon as she said that a short girl with glasses and brown hair ran up to Sarah, tackling her into a hug. Sarah, stood up fast quickly recovering from the hug, "Oh... hello Chloe." Sarah slightly blushed, putting a hand up to her mouth in a promiscuous manner, fingers hovering over her red lips. Nate looked at the two in confusion as they both smirked at each other in an... interesting fashion.
Rachel POV
It was 10 minutes or so before rehearsals started and everyone was already cluttered in their groups. Rachel, freckled and of medium height, stood their, her brown wavy hair tied back in it's usual ponytail, dark black boots shining in the sun and brown eyes as deep as wood staring at a certain boy. This boy seemed to have a lot of admirers, and Rachel wanted to get even closer. Bobby Watson. It may have seemed like just a silly crush, but it wasn't one she could get over. Sometimes she would daydream about Bobby in Spanish, a class she shared with Kelly, whom she knew was also smitten with Bobby. Rachel sighed. Sure, the boy from Nebraska wanted to see Rachel again, but the boy from Nebraska was just really handsome, and she saw him as a friend almost more than a romantic interest. It must be only Bobby that was only on her mind. As Rachel sniffed at the air, she could smell a strong scent, one she always knew. Rachel remembered last year too. Bobby donned a masculine scented cologne, maybe a bit floral, and far better smelling than axe. Rachel shook her head. Now wasn't the time to be creepy. This was a new year. And this year, Rachel was more confident too. Rachel smiled, as she felt the warmth of her face turn into a line of red across her face as it felt like butterflies swarmed her stomach. Rachel sighed, until, the man of the hour appeared next to her as she looked up. "Hey Rachel." Bobby said, his voice resonant. Rachel's heart began to beat a little faster. "Uh, hey," Rachel responded, a little shaky but smiling brightly. As Rachel turned for a second to recognize her surroundings as her heart fluttered, she noticed Mariel eyeing Bobby and her, Mariel stating at them in a somewhat confused-looking glare. Oh well, it seemed Mariel had more chances with the tall dirty blonde next to her anyways. "Rachel?" Bobby called, grabbing Rachel's attention. "Yes?" Rachel responded, all attention on the tall boy's deep green orbs, with a slight brown Rachel had just now noticed, the brown surrounding the pupils. Bobby began to speak as he now had Rachel's attention, "I was thinking, I don't really get to talk to you much, do you want to grab dinner with me tonight at Chez Nihon?" What. Rachel could feel her heart skip a beat. Out of confusion Rachel asked, "Are you sure, I mean, with me?" "Yes, I'd love to get to know you!" Bobby responded, aiming a smile in Rachel's direction. First off, Rachel's face was probably colored the same color as a pink carnation right now, considering how warm her face was. "Rachel are you ok?" Bobby asked, staring at her read face in concern. Rachel nodded up and down fastly. Rachel really wanted this, but she didn't want to betray Kelly and the hot boy from Nebraska wanted to see her again too. But, if Rachel excepted not only was Bobby taking her to some really fancy Japanese restaurant, Rachel would be able to get to spend time with a guy she couldn't get over since last year. Rachel muttered under her breath, "Sorry Kelly." Rachel then brought up her head to make eye contact with the tall, muscular boy in front of her. Rachel, face still warm and now probably tinted velvet, smiled, "I'd love to Bobby!"
~A few hours later
Nate POV
Rehearsals were over, and everyone dispersed at the sidewalks, enjoying the bright sunny day, Nate walked over to talk to Christian, smiling as the warmth of the sun met with Nate's face. As Nate approached, Christian looked more bashful than usual. That was when it happened. For when Christian turned around, the boy held out a bouquet of Violet and Blue Roses. What was odd that if you counted them out, it was visibly obvious there were 17. Nate looked at Christian, smiling and accepted the roses. Christian, now, face visibly brightly blushing spoke, "Nate, I have never known a greater friend than you, and my compassion for you is deeper than the Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean itself. With as many roses as the year, will you please go to the Prom of '17 with me?"

Author's Note: Hello, and thank you for reading this chapter!! (^o^) Sorry it may have taken a while, I do hope to get a somewhat better schedule on making each chapter consecutively. Anyways, this might have been the longest chapter so far so thank you for making it to the end! I've been wanting to make the chapters a bit longer than usual anyways. Again, I'm so sorry for taking so long, but again, thank you so much for reading!! The continued support means a lot. Really. Again, thank you all so much。(=゚ω゚)ノ 💚

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