Era (3)

12 0 0


Not interested. Breakfast makes me want to puke. Who wants to eat this early in the morning? Not me, definitely. 

I'm home alone by the time by the time I wake up. My parents leave for work at 6:00 am in the morning. I wake up at 7:40 am. School starts at 9:00, but the bell rings at 8:55. I get to school at 8:30-8:50.

Wide range of arriving time?

I don't care.

I'm used to it. Walking to and from school. Used to being alone at home. I've done it for 3 years, since year 1.

Young right?

I like it that way.

My parents annoy me.

I hope the new kids at school aren't going to be annoying. Most of them will be. I hope no one is annoying. I get pissed off easily.

You can probably tell.

Deal with it.

I can never seem to find serenity with what I do and how I act.



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