Chapter 24

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The van pulled to a stop.  Wren got out of the vehicle, dragging Crimson behind him.  He stopped in the middle of the clearing.

The whitehaired man stepped forward. 
Crimson's almost dead heart started to beat slightly faster.  Her heart had basically stopped beating until now. 

So the man raising hell to find his mate... was her mate. It was her mate making a deal with the devil for her return.

Crimson was pushed forward and pushed down to her knees. 

"Where are the rogues?"  Wren called out.

The whitehaired man glared.  "Call you pack.  They are right outside the border, waiting for admission."

Wren stepped back, Silver replacing his hand on her shoulder.

After a moment or two, Wren came back digging his nails into her shoulder drawing blood.

"The deal is met.  Release her."  Whitehaired man called.

Crimson was thrown face forward into the dirt.  A growl echoed through the woods, then wolves surrounded them.

"Spike, we had a deal."  Wren called out.

"Yeah, but you blackmailed me.  The deal is rescinded."  Spike, her mate, called out.

"Let me leave." Wren growled.

Crimson was lifted gently by her shoulders.  Her wrists were untied, and she was helped up into a standing position. 

"Why should I?"  Spike questioned.

Wren looked around panicked.  "Because..."  his eyes glinted evilly.  "Because I can give you your mate's rapist."

Spike growled menacingly.  The wolves lowered thier heads.  Wren bared his throat slightly, an unconscious movement of submission to a wolf higher in the hierarchy.

"I want his head!"  Spike growled.

"I will give him to you for my safe release."  Wren promised.

"Spike,"  Crimson called softly.

Crimson stared into his indigo eyes, that shifed from red back to indigo.

"Promise me you won't do anything rash?"  Crimson asked.

He stared for a moment.  "Fine."  He huffed.

She glared this time.  "Promise me."

"I promise,"  he said rolling his eyes.

"Release me, Spike."  Wren hollared as the wolves circled closer.

"Get Magenta and Sage too."  Crimson asked her mate. 

His glare lessened as he looked down at her. 

"They are in the van."  Crimson continued.

"Wren, I soon-to-be Alpha of the Rebel Reign, grant you release if you give me all the wolves with you."  Spike demanded

Her soon-to-be Alpha mate.  'Ohgoddess'  Crimson thought.

Wren glared, pushing Magenta and Sage out of the van.  He jumpes into the driver seat, putting the car in drive as he started to pull out of the clearing. 

"That man raped your mate!"  Wren hollared pointing at Silver.

The menacing growl erupted from Spike, before he released his mate and launched himself at Silver.

"Spike stop!"  Crimson called. 

Spike cocked his head to listen.

"You promised."  She told him. 

She was almost disappointed that he did something  rash so easily after that promise.

Spike froze midpunch and dropped Silver to the ground backing off.

"We are not done yet." He said pointing at Silver. "Guards cuff them and put them in the truck."  He ordered approaching Crimson.

"Don't cuff them."  She pleaded softly.

He paused.  His instinct to please his mate, and to protect his mate waring with eachother. 

"Compromise.  How about just the man who hurt you."  Spike said.

He waved off the men trying to cuff Magenta, while Sage stood infront of her trying to keep the men away from her.  Whether he was trying to protect her or trying to keep unmated males away from her, Crimson watched an amused Magenta.

"For now."  Crimson said.

Spike watched her.  "Now that that business is settled, our plan is to return home to my pack.  There we will discuss everything throroughly before making any decisions on the prisoner and a threat assessment test on the others."

Crimson nodded.

"Good. Now come here mate,"  he said opening his arms.

Crimson wanted to, but the exhaustion had kicked in again.  She started to fall, but locked her knees trying to stay up.  It managed to lock her in place, but also made her mate frown.

"She has been exhausted since the experiments that pack exposed her to."  Magenta started.

Spile growled again.  "Let me finish, she is going to crash.  Grab her before she falls again."

As the world started to tilt, strong arms grabbed her and carried her to the truck.  Tingles shot up her arms where his fingers grazed on the edge of the sleeves of her shirt.  Almost like he could not get enough of the spark, of the bond, either.

Crimson peacefully fell asleep to the soft tracings and tingles of her mate. 

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