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Chp. 1

Selena's P.O.V.

I feel his strong rough hands yank me by my hair making sure to rip some of it off. After he is done he throws me against the wall face first then sexually abuses me until I pass out from the pain. I wake up sore. I walk to the mirror, I look like a blue berry. I quickly put on clothes and makeup and go out for a coffee. Last night was the worst beating I have ever had from Justin. The more I think about it the more it makes me want to cry. I see James across the street, he is so nice, I wave to him. He runs across the street and asks, "Where are you heading to."

I quickly respond, "The coffee shop down the street."

"Oh, mind if I go with you."

"No not at all I could use some company."

We are walking to the coffee shop when I get a text saying, "Where are you, you better not be with that James Maslow dude. If you are you are, you're going to be getting a real bad beating when you get home." I started to tear up, but before James could see quickly blinked and wiped them off. Justin kept calling over and over again the fifth time he called James snatched my phone and answered it for me.

"Hello?" James said.

"Who is this?" Justin questioned.

I quickly snatched the phone out of his hands and answered, "My brother Jake."

"You have a brother?"


"Ok well if you don't say goodbye to your brother now I'm going to kill you."

"Ok I'll be there in-"

Before I could finish he said, "You better be here in exactly two minutes or you will be in a whirl of pain."

"Ok. James I need to get going, sorry."

"Can I give you a ride."

"That would be nice."

We get to my house with thirty seconds to spare. "Thank you," I give him a quick peck on his cheek and ran into the house. Justin was standing in the window watching me come in.

"Who was that."

"My brother."

"Really, why would you kiss your brother."

"It wasn't even a real kiss."

"Ok, whatever you say. I'm leaving."

"Where are you going."

"That is none of you concern. Bye." Justin just walks out the door and drives off. I have an idea of where he is going, Molly's house.

How A Cup Of Coffee With James Maslow Saved My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now