Chapter 1

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"Damn, why was that test so hard?" Charles whined as they left the classroom. Emmet adjusted his glasses and gave him a look.

"Charles, that was a very easy test. Did you study at all?" Charles shoved his hands into his jacket that had his football number on the back with the school logo on his breast pocket.

"I couldn't! I had extra football practice! Coach said we have a big game coming up this weekend, and I have to be ready!" Then he lifted his arm over Emmet's head just in time to catch a basketball that nearly hit his head, and looked behind him. "Nice throw, Andrea!" His little sister, Andrea, came up and grabbed her basketball back, grinning.

"Remember! You promised to help me perfect my shot tonight! Don't forget!" Then she hurried away, bouncing the ball. Emmet looked up at Charles gratefully.

"Thanks." He said. Charles smiled.

"No problem." That was when he saw his friend Richard, leaning against a locker and flirting with a sophomore.

"So, yeah. Wanna hang out some time?" The girl giggled, and Charles came up behind him and put his arm around his shoulder.

"And thanks for playing who wants to date my buddy! Good bye!" The girl scurried away, giggling nervously. Richard turned and gave Charles a look, leaning back against the locker.

"Really, man? I've been working on Gabrielle for a while now!" Emmet raised his eyebrows.

"Really? Ten minutes?" Richard shrugged.

"Hey, love takes time." Charles rolled his eyes.

"Right, okay. Anyway, have you seen Chase? He's late again, and I promised that I'd make sure he didn't miss the test in Biology today."

"Get out of my way, runt!" They suddenly heard a bellowing voice shout, and a freshman scurried away. They turned, and there he was. Their surly friend, Chase.

Chase walked over to one of the lockers that had a girl wearing round framed glasses, and slammed her locker shut, making her shriek and spin around to face him.

"Where's my homework, geek?" He demanded. The girl quickly reached into her binder and pulled out a slip of paper, then handed it over to him.

"H-Here you go, Chase!" She whispered nervously. He snatched the paper from her hand, then went over to the other three, who all had a look on their faces.

"Chase, I told you to quit bothering Harriet!" Emmet told him sternly. Chase shrugged, before taking out a cigarette and a lighter and beginning to smoke, making the smoke go into Charles and Richard's face.

"Dude! Cut the smoke!" Richard said, fanning the smoke away. "It makes me look emo! No girls likes emo!" Charles nodded on agreement.

"Yeah, and that's just plain gross, dude." Chase rolled his eyes, but threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, before picking it up again and throwing it away.

"Whatever, man. I'll just smoke it later." Richard sighed, then grimaced at Harriet as she scratched her knee.

"Dang, I don't see why you like her so much, Emmet. Even I wouldn't hit on her."

"I don't like her like that, Richard!" Emmet told him. "She and I are in the Mathletes together! We're just friends."

"Not like you could get her anyway, Rick." Charles teased. "She's too smart for you!" Richard's eyes went wide.

"I could get any girl in this school if I wanted to! Watch this!" Then he looked over at a group of junior girls, and smiled at them. "Hey, ladies. How's it hanging?" They all giggled and waved at him.

"Hi, Richard." One of them said, and they all hurried away. Richard then turned to Charles.

"See? I can get any girl to go out with me! Including, Harriet Adrens!" Charles raised his eyebrows, then smirked.

"Alright, how about we bet on it? And how about we include all of us in this." Emmet furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we have to pick out any girl and try to get her to go out with us! And whichever three loses, has to be the winner's servants for a whole year!" Chase smirked.

"Why don't we make interesting? Try to get her to sleep with you." Richard smiled.

"Deal." And the four of them shook hands on it, though Emmet was a little nervous. He wasn't much of a hand at flirting. "So, who're we gonna try to get in our beds?"

"Well, Harriet for you, Rick." Charles told him. Richard glanced around the hall, then looked to Chase.

"Chase, you're going to try and get... Wait for it... Andrea!" Chase's eyes went wide, as did Charles.

"Andrea? Dude, that's my sister!" Charles exclaimed. Richard crossed his arms and nodded, smiling.

"That makes it more of a challenge!" Chase glared at him, then looked to Charles.

"Alright, I'll make this fair." He said, nodding. "I try to hit up your sister, you try to hit up my ex." Charles raised his eyebrows again.

"Your ex?"

"Get out of the way, I'm in a bad mood!" Came an angry girl's voice from down the hall. "Move!" She bellowed. Charles looked to Chase, who was smirking.

"Jessie. The toughest girl in school." Chase gulped.

"Alright, then." He murmured, then looked to Emmet. "And Emmet, you'll try to get with..."

"Hi, Richard!" Came a sweet voice from across the hall as a girl with flowing blonde hair passed by. Charles snapped his finger at her.

"Her! Emily Bulstrode! The hottest girl in school!" Emmet gulped as she passed by, her hips swaying ever so slightly.

"I'll give a shot." He said.

And the bet was on.

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