Chapter 3

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"So, how're you planning on getting Harriet to go out with you, Ricky?" Richard smirked at his friend Eric, rolling his eyes. They were still at school, waiting on Harriet to get out of her tutoring sessions so that Richard could ask her out, and Eric was little unsure about how he was going about this. 

"Eric, my dear dear friend, what are you trying to say?" Richard was pretty 

"Your plan? To get Harriet to go on a date with you so you can sleep with her?" Richard laughed, coming over and patting Eric's head as though he were a child.

"My friend, I think you've forgotten who you're speaking to! I can get any girl in this school to sleep with me when I want, where I want, and why I want! It won't be difficult at all!" 

"Are you sure about that?" Eric asked him, very little confidence in his friend. He wasn't the brightest either, but he knew better than to assume that Harriet was just like any other girl in their school.

Finally, about 3:30, she came out, talking to a freshman that she had been tutoring. Richard couldn't help but grimace when he saw the glinting of her braces. He hoped that nothing would get caught in them. That would be far too painful for his liking. 

He looked her up and down, trying to find one attractive thing about her, but couldn't seem to muster up the slightest thing that seemed to be good looking about her. 

She had this long brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and it was always perfectly combed back. Sometimes it looked really greasy, and she didn't do anything else with it. So boring. 

Her face was pale, and she had freckles all over her nose and cheeks, looking like someone flung mud at her face. Her glasses were massive and took up half of her face with their black frames, making her dull blue eyes look huge, always searching around and looking anxious. And her lips were small and thin, always pressed in a permanent frown, even when she was smiling. Would it kill her to at least wear some lip gloss or something?

Her body wasn't much either. She always wore a large sweater that didn't do her figure any favors, always knitted and looked like she stole them from some old lady who lived alone with twelve cats. Today, it was white and baggy around her waist, and she wore looser jeans with sneakers. At least those looked normal.

All in all, she was the last type of girl that Richard would ever ask out, but here he was, doing it today. He just had to take a deep breath, and pretend that he was doing some sort of charity work. There was no way he could do this otherwise.

So, he pushed his hair back, flashed his charming smile, and sauntered over to her, leaning against a wall and blocking her way, making her stop short and look up at him, confused. She was so short, she barely reached his chin when they both stood straight.

"Hey there." He greeted, smirking at her. "Harriet, right?" She nodded, hugging the three textbooks she held tighter in her arms.

"Uh, yeah, that's me?" She said in a deeper voice than expected, confused why he was talking to her. She had never spoken to this boy before in her life, never met him even, and had no idea what he wanted from her. "And you are...?" Richard was taken aback a bit by her not knowing who he was, but he decided to let it go.

"The name's Richard. Richard Carson. And today is your lucky day, miss." She cocked her weight to one hip. Now she was getting annoyed, and it showed with her eyebrows rose and her face of clear disinterest.

"Oh, is it?" She asked, and he nodded to her proudly.

"Oh yes, because as of today, I am giving you the sincere honor, of going on a date with me." He said, tossing his hair back a bit, even though he didn't have to. "I was thinking of grabbing some food, then maybe heading back to my place for a little Netflix and Chill, if you know what I mean?" She smiled a tight smile.

"Yeah... not happening." Then she walked around him, heading for the parking lot and leaving him stunned. That had always worked for him! He couldn't believe that any girl didn't want to go out with him!

"Wait!" He called, running after her and standing in front of her, making her huff impatiently. "Come on, it's just one date. What harm could come from that?" She rolled her eyes, before putting her hand on his chest to make sure she had his full attention.

"How about you offer me a real date, and then we'll talk? I'm really not into the dating scene at all, and I'm not giving up my good reputation and terrific grades for one night with some guy I've never met." Then she straightened out, and nodded out the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to my car. I have homework I have to get done and chores to finish once I get home, and I really can't be held up by your nonsense." Richard was completely stunned, but he moved out of her way, and she made her way out the door, not even bothering to turn around to face him.

As soon as she was gone, Eric came over, laughing hysterically as he slapped Richard on the back. "Thank you, dude, for letting me witness such a beautiful scene!" he told him, unable to hold himself together and keeping his balance by holding onto Richard's shoulder. "Oh, man! That was amazing to watch!" 

"She rejected me." Richard murmured, completely flabberghasted. "How could someone like her reject me? Girls don't reject me. I'm Richard Carson! The heartbreaker!" 

"Well, maybe there really is one girl out there who doesn't have her head up in the clouds," Eric told him, patting his back as he finally got himself calmed down. "If you had listened to me, you'd know that Harriet doesn't sleep around. You'd have to find another way to get her attention." Richard just stared at the door she had walked out of, thinking harder than he had ever thought before. She was a different breed, a good hunt.

And Richard loved a challenge.

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