Chapter 2

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Emmett had no idea how he was going to get a date with someone like Emily Bulstrode. She was a very attractive girl, and very clearly had a type, and Emmett was not that type.

Emily like athletes. She liked to go to games to admire the players, she had joined cheerleading for that sole purpose. She simply liked to flirt and talk to jocks.

And of course, Emmett was the least athletic person you could ever meet. The last time he had ever won a trophy, it was for a chess competition. Yeah, that's real impressive.

But, Emmett had never backed down from a challenge and refused to give up this early in the game. He almost always won the bets that didn't involve any physical activity, and if Emily was more into athletes, he knew getting her attention and getting her to sleep with him could be brought down to an exact science! He just had to perform the perfect experiment, and he could snag her. 

Or at least, he thought so. 

"Come on, Emmett. Do you really think that you can get a girl like Emily Bulstrode to date you?" Emmett's friend Wyatt asked him, a little concerned. Neither of them had ever had a date in their lives, let alone one from someone like her.

"The goal is not for her to date me, dear friend." Emmett told him confidently. "The simple goal is for her to sleep with me! Two very different concepts!" Wyatt gave him a look.

"Emmett, that's not much of a difference for us, and you know it. If you go up and even try and talk to her, she'd make fun of you, and then her friends would make fun of you, and then the boys on the football team would beat us up and then make fun of us, and then soon the whole school would be making fun of us!" 

"That's where you are wrong, my friend!" He told him confidently, before going to the massive dry erase board that hung on his wall. This was as big as a teacher's board, and he used it far too often to only have it as a joke. "You see, here's my plan. " He pulled the cap off of a bright pink marker and began to draw. "First! I learn where she is suffering in her studies!"

"But she doesn't suffer!" Wyatt interrupted already, and Emmett threw a purple marker at him.

"You underestimate me, Mr. Erickson!" He told him, picking up a remote and turning on a projector, because of course he had one. How else would you practice a presentation? He never understood people who didn't practice and just stood there reading off their presentation. "You see, I have an insider source on Miss Bulstrode known as Richard Carson. He has shared on multiple occasions how she struggles in history! She apparently has fussed about it to him before, and she has to pass it if she wants to remain in cheerleading!"

"So what are you going to do?" Now Wyatt was interested. If he had actually already had started a plan, maybe there was still hope.

Emmett smiled as he went over to his laptop, his screen projected on the white board from his projector as he opened Facebook.

"I am going to post a message directed at the school page." He explained, going to the Facebook for the school that would show what happened at games and dances and talked about school functions. "Emily follows all of the school pages on social media so that she can keep track of all the games and everything! Surely, she'll see an offer for a tutor! So, I'll just put out a post saying I'm available for tutoring history..." He put out the offer, and waited. 

The two of them waited for a little bit. Emily had to get home from cheerleading practice and check her social media, so they knew that it would be a little bit.

Ten minutes passed, and they started doing homework.

Twenty minutes passed, homework was done, and they began to build a model Death Star on Emmett's nightstand.

Thirty minutes passed and they were half through the Death Star, with still no response from Emily. 

"Emmett, I don't think this working." Wyatt told him, leaning back on the bed. "Can we go get something to eat? I'm hungry." But Emmett shook his head.

"No! We have to wait! She'll respond!" 

An hour had passed, and Emily still hadn't replied. The Death Star was completed, and surely everyone who had been at some kind of practice was home and getting on social media, probably actually getting some sort of action rather than just playing with Legos. 

"Emmetttttt!" Wyatt fussed, his belly rumbling. "I'm starvingg! Can we please go get food?" Emmett sighed, but nodded, going to his laptop to turn it off. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll have to think of a new idea." That was when the laptop dinged, and they both jumped. "It's a message!"

"Is it from Emily?" Wyatt leaned over his shoulder, and Emmett groaned. Wyatt was not a small guy at all, and he was crushing Emmett. 

"Wyatt, move over!" Emmett shoved him back, and looked at the message, yelping when he saw who it was from. "It's Emily!" 

"What does it say?" Wyatt leaned in again and Emmett groaned, pulling the laptop over as Wyatt leaned over him.

"Hi, Emmett! Im Emily!" he read. "I saw ur post 4 a tutor for hist! Lol! Its weird! I was just talking 2 my bff about Im failing! Worst kinda day, u know? But, if ur willing, I rly need a tutor! My dad is literally going 2 make me QUIT cheerleading if I fail! So I would LUV if u would tutor me! Lots of Luv! Emily!" Emmett looked to Wyatt, who looked back at him, and both of them let out loud yells of excitement, jumping up and down wildly. 

"Oh my god!" Wyatt exclaimed. "You actually got her!" 

"That's only phase one, my friend!" Emmett told him, running over to his dry erase board, grabbing the pink marker and continuing to draw out his plan. "Phase two shall be much simpler! I shall tutor her and make her so grateful for my assistance, she shall feel as though she has to sleep with me! And therefore, I shall get her in bed before any of the other guys!" He smiled at his plan, feeling triumphant. "This plan is foolproof!"

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