Chapter 4

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Charles had no idea how he was going to talk to Jessie. As surprising as it seemed, he wasn't much of a ladies man. He got along with girls just fine, but he didn't actively seek out a relationship. He respected the women that he would play with, but none of them truly appealed to him.

And now he was tasked with getting himself in bed with a girl that he barely knew and was a little scared of. Sure thing, easy enough right?


But Charles always won these bets if they weren't too brainy, and figured that at least trying to get to know Jessie wasn't going to kill him, right? Even if he did lose, at least he'd have tried. And how hard can it be to get a girl to go out with you? After all, Richard did it all the time, and he made it look pretty easy. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard.

At least it hadn't been too difficult to find her. Football practice had just ended, and when he looked at the bleachers, he could see her, sitting there alone. She had a burning cigarette in her hand, and a pair of white earbuds in, a large book open on her lap. She was wearing a pair of black shorts with fishnet leggings and a beanie with giant boots, even though it was pretty hot outside. She had on a black flannel with it unbuttoned to reveal a white tank top underneath, her reddish-brown hair covering most of her face.

He took a deep drink of water, glancing up at her every once and a while, trying to think of how to ask her out exactly as Emily Bulstrode came over to him. The cheerleaders always lined up their practice with the football team's.

"Hey, Charlie~" She smiled sweetly, twirling her hair around with her finger, moving around a lot to see if she could catch his attention in the rather tight cheerleading outfit with the short skirt. Sure, it had a pair of shorts underneath, but he didn't know that.

"Hey, Emily." He waved at her, barely looking at her as he studied Jessie. He could see her face a bit better when she tucked her hair behind her ear, and he thought she actually looked really nice. Her face was pale, and she had on blood red lipstick, with winged eyeliner that looks as sharp as a point, and she had on white eyeshadow. He thought that she actually looked really pretty, despite how she acted towards others. Maybe if he was nice to her, she wouldn't want to kick his nuts in and make him a girl.

"Oh, you looking at gothy girl there?" Emily's tone suggested she didn't like Jessie, but he nodded. "I wouldn't stare too long. She's really mean. I don't even know why she comes to these practices. She doesn't even do a sport!"

"Uh huh." Charles wasn't even listening. He was just thinking, and Emily was getting annoyed. She had really wanted to talk to Charles, she thought he was an absolute dreamboat, but he was too preoccupied.

"Well, I'm heading home. Let me know if you get home safe, okay?" She told him. He nodded, not even listening, and she left in a hurry, eager to text him and see if he would respond to her.

He finally started packing his things, still thinking as he did, when he heard a crash behind him, and turned to see Jessie had slipped down the stairs on a pool of water that one of the other teammates had created on purpose with his water bottle to try and make one of the cheerleaders slip so that he could see up their skirt when they fell, before playing the hero.

Jessie growled when she hit the ground, the leftover cheerleaders and jocks laughing at her, but Charles, forgetting the bet immediately, coming over and bending over to help her get back up.

"Here, let me help." He extended a hand to her, but she swatted him away.

"Leave me alone! I'm fine!" She shouted, but he knew she wasn't fine. She had just slipped from the third step of a metal bleacher in clunky boots. Her ankle was twisted around the wrong way, and he could hear in her voice that she was choking back tears.

"Come on, let me get you to the nurse." She protested more and more, but he just helped her to her feet, bringing her arm over his shoulder and helped her limp over to the bench.

Just as she got to the bench, one of the cheerleaders scooted onto the bench and wrapped herself around him so that Jessie couldn't sit.

"Oh, sorry! Did you want to sit here?" She asked in a disgustingly sweet voice, and Jessie reached out to try and smack her, but because of her ankle and Charles holding onto her, she couldn't reach.

"Come on." He led her off the field and towards the school, where the school nurse was waiting in case of an emergency, but Jessie was having trouble.

"Just let me go! I have to get home!" She growled. Charles rolled his eyes, but let go, and she immediately sat down on the pathway, wincing from the pain, and he noticed she had black lines down her cheeks from her dark makeup running from her tears.

"Come on, let me help. You're clearly hurt." He told her, but she didn't respond. She just tried to choke back sobs, and he could see just how much pain she was in. "At least let me take a look." She sighed.

"Fine! Quickly!" He got on his knees and gently took off her boot to release some weight, and realized that she also had a large scratch on her shin from the metal of the zipper on the side of her boot that was bleeding. She must've gotten scratched when she fell.

Her ankle was facing all the way to the left. Your ankle could only go so far to the left before breaking, and hers went too far. It was obviously broken, and needed medical attention.

Charles took his shirt and wrapped it around her leg to keep it from bleeding too much, and to set her ankle a bit so it wouldn't be jostled to much. She winced and hissed in pain at almost every movement, but she didn't throw a fit and she tried not to cry anymore. "Do you think you can walk more?" She bit her lip, and shook her head, looking like she didn't want to admit it.

"...I don't know." She whispered.

"If you want, I could carry you down there." He told her, and her eyebrows rose. "I don't want to leave you here by yourself if you're hurt, and you really should see the nurse." She let out a sigh, and lifted her arms.

"Fine! Help me up!" He smiled, and lifted her into his arms bridal style, making sure to be gentle so she wouldn't be shaken around too much, before carrying her to the nurse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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