and I know I speak like my heart was broken last night
even though it happened last January,
when I thought I was numb from the cold
but I was numb for you
and sometimes everything you left behind cuts into
my tongue and I find myself choking up your name
even though it's been three months since you've called
and i'm not sure how your voice still plays in my head
when I can't even remember how it sounds
and there are scars and bruises all over me that I
could've sworn had faded but everyone looks at me
like i'm about to collapse
and sometimes I kiss boys who grab me like they
want to break me and I let them because there's
nothing left to break
and sometimes they taste like you
and I used to smile like I wasn't empty
but you're stuck in my head
and in my heart
and underneath my fingernails
and I'm so sorry but you can't stay here