Police Station

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Chapter 6~ Police Station


Clarie's POV

After that day , the world isn't a safe place for me . I had come across many accident and worries as I am the captain of the cheerleading squad . I had fell from the floor , broken my ankle and countless other accidents . But , this one , had scared me for life . I have never been so scared in my life . My parents and I are at the police station . The police officers are asking me the details of the incident . Although I am dying to be with Haden , I will have to finish this before I can go .

After that , I asked my parents permission to go see Haden . When I went to his house , I knocked on the door . No answer . I knocked again . No answer . I went to the back door and there is no one on the house . I began to be worried . Where can they be ? Why hasn't Haden call me ? Where is he ?

I returned to the police station where my parents were and something unexpected shocked me . Haden's parents were there . I went there and greeted them . Haden's mom was crying . I didn't know what is happening so , I asked Haden's dad . I can tell that Haden's dad is trying very hard to be strong and not break down but the moment I ask him what happened , he lost it . I could see the tears building in his eye fall. Now , I'm really worried . What happen ? I tried calming them down but I really can't . They were acting as if Haden's dead . Haden is their only child and they loved him dearly . Thinking about that makes me think where's uh Haden . If his parents were here , where is he . I asked them where Haden was and all that I got for an answer from Haden's mom was .

" Hheee iisss ................"

I didn't get what that was . Haden's mom is crying and crying . She didn't even have the energy to finish the sentence . I can't help but ask what's wrong. Haden's dad then spoke .

" Haden's in the hospital . Some hitchhiker found him . He's in a very critical condition . The doctors are trying to save him but they say that the chance he will make it threw is very thin ."

Haden's dad said that with tears running down his face . I needed time to process this all . So much had happened . First , I was attacked in my own room . Next , Haden is in the hospital . I can't take this anymore . Is it the same person ? If he is , why is he doing this . I took out my phone and called Jamie , my best friend . She has been in my life since like forever . She grew up with me , we talk all day and we can even finish each other sentences . I called her and then she answered .

" Hi Jamie , it's Clarie "

" Oh hi Clare ! So what's up ? You haven't called me lately ?"

" A lot of things happened lately . I really needed someone to talk to Jameie "

" What happen Clare ? I'll come over in 5 Minutes "

" No need Jamie , I'm in the police station "

" Ok I'll go there . Wait for me . I'll be there in 15 minutes "

"Bye . Tanks Jamie "

" Bye . See you later "

~ 30 minutes later ~

I waited outside for Jamie but she isn't here yet . It's been 30 minutes and I'm getting worried . Minutes later , Jamie arrived and she is all dirty . Her bike is kinda broken . Her hand and legs are injured . I ran towards her and helped her get off the bike . I asked her what's wrong and she said that she got into an accident on the way here .

She was riding her bike and accident ran into a signboard . She said that it doesn't matter and wanted to know what happened to me . I told her everything and it made me feel really safe . She really is a good friend . Speaking of friends , I totally forgotten about 2 of my other friend . Summer and Sophie . They attended the same school as me and Jamie maybe around 1 and a half year ago . They joined the cheerleading team and we started becoming friends . Both of them talk a lot and so that leaves me with Jamie . Summer and Sophie and I can be called friends but I really have doubt about that because she tend to compete with me in cheerleading . I do t know if I'm too sensitive , but I think that Summer is jealous of me because she also have a crush on Haden and I am his girlfriend .

Jamie heard what I have to say and she is relay shocked . We went back to my house and she said that her parents allowed her to sleep over at my house . We went to bed and I couldn't help but fell like someone is watching me . I ignored that felling and just wish that all this is the end .

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