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Chapter 18 ~ WOW


Hey guys . Thank you all again for reading. I never expected more than 100 people to read but now , the number of readers is more than what I expected . Thank you all . Bye .


Clarie's POV

Jamie parked her car and we walked in . It is really big . Like seriously big . The size of he house is unimaginable . I just gave a 'WOW' face as Jamie giggle softly . We walked up the stairs that are practically made out of gold . The stairs are wide and is decorated with fancy , luxurious decorations . All I could do was giving a 'WOW' look .

We walked into her room and unsurprisingly , the room is huge !!!! I am thinking that how can a girl live in such a big room . This is all because her family owns ' Southern ' the biggest , most popular shopping complex in the country .

I honestly never expect to be friends with her but we became fronds anyway and the bestest friends ever .

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