The Beginning

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Chapter 20 ~ The Beginning


Sorry I haven't updated recently . This is because hen I finally finished this chapter , I forgot to save it and I kinda lost the whole chapter . So , I worked my by of to finish this chapter again . So sorry . Hope you all enjoy :)


Narrators part :

The time of the night is the strongest of all . No rule , no limits , no one to control us . A ones sweet innocent boy , Alec , is now a vicious life sucker demon . Hatred and anger have consumed all part of him and now , is anyone safe ?

After all that happen , Alec's foster parents , mr and mrs Frost , is afraid . Not only at what is happening now , but also at their foster son that they raised since he was a toddler.

As soon as they heard that Alec was in prison , their heart shattered . They knew something was not right but didn't know that it was this bad . They immediately left the country with a heavy heart . Although they loved Alec as their own son , they couldn't gamble with their life . They knew that Alec possessed many dangerous we open as they ones saw Alec hiding this' we opens at their back yard .

Right now , nothing can thaw the if' cold heart hidden beneath Alec's soul .

Haden's POV

I sat up . I feel all better now . Everyone isn't here and it and that my body condition is getting better although I still can't remember any of my past . I kept trying to remember , but no matter how hard I tried , nothing came to me .

Time went by slowly . Until now , Clarie , mom and dad haven't arrived . They said that they have a little problem they needed to settle , so , I waited patiently . I really feel blessed to be able to awake from my deep sleep .

Thinking back , I never really understood who would have done this . Suddenly , the door swing open and stood there was a boy about my age and he looks kinda familiar . Then he spoke .

" Hello friend ."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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