They found him

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Chapter 2 - They Found Him

Every breath , every sound , every person were a background to me . I was the main character . I was special . I was a criminal . I was a murderer. My once clean hands , were now filthy , covered with the blood . Memories of that moment will haunt me for years . I tried running away from that fact . The fact that I was a murderer . But it was no use . Every time I closed my eye , that unforgettable scene from my memory just keep on playing like a broken record . Over and over again .

"Alec !!!! Are you paying attention !!!! If you keep daydreaming , I guarantee you will not pass your test " Miss Stephen said .

My history teacher just woke me up from drowning in my own mind ." Sorry Miss Stephen " was all I can say after that wild thought going through my mind. After what seems hours , the bell rang .

Everyone , including me went to the canteen for lunch . After taking a seat and when I was about to eat , I saw a policeman and a man wearing a white T-shirt and a light blue jacket going to the principle's office . I stopped what ever I was doing and ran towards the principle's office . After the incident , my mind is always frightened every time I see police officers . Although I don't know what they are here for , I am still shivering with fear from my head to my toe .

When I got there , I saw a bunch of students outside the principle's office . I waited at the back to wait for any news .

After a few minutes , the officers came out . The principle pointed at me and all of a sudden, I can't fell any part of my body . I was so frightened , I can't even move . I tried but I can't . The principle then said while ponting to me " That's him , that's Alec " .

The policemen walked towards me and all I could think of was what's next ? Do they know? Is this the end?

I was just standing there , helpless , terrified and had no clue of what the future of mine will be .

"Alec?" The man that wore the white T-shirt and the light blue jacket said . "I'm detective Charlie ". I froze at the moment and just kept thinking of what is going to happen? What's next? Am I going to jail? Is my freedom going to be taken away from me?

Then as I was predicting my future , detective Charlie said " Alec , do you recognize the name Jack ?" I said yes hesitately . The detective then said " I'm sorry to say that Jack , was murdered . We found his body in a woods." I just pretended that I was shocked and cried . Although I pretended to be shocked , but my tears were real . I just kept thinking of what happened and I just cried to see what I have became . I am now a murderer . A cold blooded life taker .

The detective said " After investigating and questioning the person that Jack was hanging out with before he was murdered , some people said that he was going to meet you later that night ." I stopped crying and answered detective's Charlie's question . First , I swiped the tears off my face . Then I said " yes sir , we did meet that night . He wanted to ask for my forgiveness for treating me badly in school . Then when I went to the place where we are suppose to meet , he didn't show up . "

Detective Charlie said that he will continue investigating this case and hope that if I get any clue if who did this , I will tell him . After questioning some other students , detective Carlie and the policeman left .

I continued the rest of the school hour in silence and the fear of whether the police will find anything . After school , I went back home and went straight to my room . I laid in bed and closed my eye . I got that flashback again . The scene of that life changing moment . I never thought that my life will change so fast after one night . One night and now , I'm a murderer . I started to laugh . How can I be a murderer ! My parents died in the hands of others and now I'm scared and sad I took someone's life . Life is unfair right , so now , I no longer feel like a murderer . I am a hero . I'm the one that will control the life of others . So watch out people , if you're bad , watch your back . I'm watching you.....


So guys , how is it ??? Sorry if it isn't good . I'm new to this so , hope you enjoyed it . Bye . Pls vote and comment . Thanks ...... :)

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