11. Preferred brunette's to B L O N D E S

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"'Cause every minute you
start switching up
And you say things like you
don't give a fuck... "
R I H A N N A  C O M P L I C A T E D


I sighed feeling an arm wrapped around me and wasn't sure if I had yet another dream but my legs feeling like jelly and the slight discomfort between them let me know I possibly hadn't

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I sighed feeling an arm wrapped around me and wasn't sure if I had yet another dream but my legs feeling like jelly and the slight discomfort between them let me know I possibly hadn't.

I realized my head was using Baron's chest as a pillow, which surprisingly never happened, mostly because while spooning his heavy arm and sometimes leg hanging over me, suffocated me. In a comforting way weirdly but it led to me glued to a certain position the entire night.

I yawned out, stretching until I felt the freeing feeling and the cold air hit my nipples.

"Fuck. " I whispered and leaned forward getting my underwear which I was surprised to find in bed and not on the other side of the room before snatching his t-shirt from above his head, peeking out from the pillow.

When exactly did that come off? I'm not even sure...

"Trying to take advantage of me again?" He mused as I sat beside him on the back of my ankles while his eyes remained closed.

"How am I looking for all types of clothing while you still have your basketball shorts on? Where is my bra?" I groaned knowing it was probably not capable of being used.

He shrugged as he lazily opened his eyes and reached on the bedside table for the remote, not bothering to look my way.

How had this man who didn't even want to look at me make me feel so many fucking things last night? I wish I knew but it was all blurred into one big ball of utter pleasure.

I was sure every detail would be played back to me as time went by...

I sighed as my eyes scanned the room.

"Oh my word, this place looks even worse in the day" I groaned running my hands over my face, despite half sobering up last night thanks to Mr Wolf, apparently my head hadn't gotten the memo.

I was sure we were responsible for some of the mess as the lamp shades were laid out on the floor and I was sure if we opened the cabinets whatever shit in there would be falling out the way this bed moved last night.

I'd probably have to pay for the damages...

Gosh I wanted to go back, back to that feeling of temptation, slipping into it. Him slipping into me and...

"I ain't cleaning shit up. That's what housekeeping is for" He grumbled causing me to fight back a smile, not at his rudeness but last night.

It was just a fuck I know but it was good. Hot and..

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now