19. Actually like M E

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"But she falls like that.
With her heart on her sleeve
And the sea in her eyes..."
R M. D R A K E


I outlined the stars on his chest as he slept, most of the time I would be gone because I happened to have quite a few obligations.

But not today. Today I had off and while I had plans with Nikki later I wasn't going to go rushing off anywhere.

Why? Because I felt slightly guilty for the way I pushed Baron away last night. Especially after I felt him pull me close having thought I was asleep.

Yes he might have grumbled a "she just wants to make me mad" to himself but feeling him hold me close to his chest caused me to fall asleep with a smile.

I had it that bad for this wolf.

Why couldn't I be someone who didn't fall so easily, care so darn much...

I had gotten up early and showered myself, cleaned up the shattered glass which indeed belonged to the bathroom mirror that I knew he wouldn't bother to and now I was laid next to him, admiring The Lone Wolf.

How was it rooming with him overall?

I liked that I was the only one he spoke to. I even liked his fits of rage, that accompanied it when he became like a kid not getting what he wanted. I liked how we'd be screaming at each other while he would still want me to wear his clothing and then give me the night of my life.

Yes I know, to him its just sex and maybe I'm reading into it all too much. But I liked to believe there was a slight bit of hope for me and he wasn't exactly Mr share your feelings...

Most of all, I liked him and wanted him more than the rough touch because my moans weren't just lustful and I wasn't shutting my eyes. I ended up staring into his ones that were so often blank, no emotion, while I was hoping for more.

And here you thought all this tale of wolf and blondie would just be about sex. Sorry to disappoint but I, Renee Young, turned out to be your typical girl falling for a guy way too fast.

So please bare with me...

I watched as he slept and moved onto him and straddled him while slowly rocking back and forth onto him. I felt the nerves hit me, while in my past relationships I was more the one who took control. This wasn't a relationship and Baron had the tendency to snap easily.

Anytime I'm alone, I can't help thinking about you
All I want, all I need, all I see, is just me and you

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now