27. Night B U D D Y

547 26 2

"Your actions speak so loud,
I cannot hear what you are saying."


"Were you reaching for my lap and then pulled away?" I giggled noticing the gesture in the corner of my eye and should have maybe not commented on it but it was out before I could stop it.

"No." He snapped and I lazily looked at him and saw him licking over his bottom lip to fight a smile. "Well yeah but while you do look beautiful, your outfit basically blocks my hand.."

I rolled my eyes and took his free hand and held it within my hands in my lap which I shouldn't have done. He wasn't suppose to be putting hands in my lap that's what fuck buddies did but I was always gullible and his hand tightening in mine felt nice.

Urgh what the heck I might have been friendzoned but I could just pretend this was a date right? Its not like he would know...

"I have a feeling you tried to do this with the Wyatt's too. I can see many sexual harassment claims heading to Bryan's office.." I rambled focusing on his hand as I traced over his rings.

He chuckled, "They'd be so lucky. You know I can give you some cause you're always so intrigued by them"

I felt his eyes on me as we hit a red light, "this is the first time I've actually taken note of them actually"

"Of course it is" He rolled his eyes with annoyance which led to me frowning but before I could question it I heard his phone going off in the holder and saw it was Corey.

I pressed it while he seemed to have wanted to stop me as Corey's voice filled the car.

I was about to greet but then Baron held up his hand causing me to frown before he slowly began driving again.

"Hey what's up?" He questioned while I focused on his rings instead.

"Just wanted to know if you were catching that gig in town tonight?"

"Er yeah.."

"And I didn't get a call. I know you got free tickets thanks to Mary"


Mary as in..

"Yeah I er..."

"You're fucking taking a girl instead of me. Has it been that long since.. Fuck is she in the car?" His voice lowered, smart Corey. I almost laughed at him until I realized I was the girl.

"Nah" My eyes shot to his while his was on the road.

"Then cancel on her. I doubt she would want to go to a place your ex might possibly be, I'm off tonight. Figured we'd hit the town we can get you someone at the end of the night for you if you're finally looking to get laid after so long and maybe get a tattoo "

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now