Waking Up At The Burrow*edited*

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I woke up once I flet a soft almost fluffy thing under me. I noticed I was in a bed, I looked around to see a cream colored walls and another bed on the other side of the room. "Oh, I must be in the twin's room." I laughed swinging my feet over the side of the bed. 

Memories from the Weasley's picking me up and bringing me to England flooded back into my head.

"Oh your akwake!" Fred smiled coming into the room.

"Freddie! S'up bro?" I asked jumping up hugging the ginger. 

"Fine, but I should be asking you that! You fell asleep in the middle of the ride here. And plus it's seven o'clock in the morning." Fred laughed hugging back.

"Seven a.m.?!" I gasped, "Thats one what the.....Oh yeah time differnce."

I laughed remembering the whole 'Clock System' in England. "Breakfast is waiting down stairs, come and get it when you are ready." Fred nodded and left me, shutting the door on his way out.

I noticed my trunk was at the end of the bed, now looking around more I realized I was in George's bed. "Oh well thats nice." I rolled my eyes and looked threw my trunk. I found a Go Green shirt and some black skinny jeans. After I put on that I manged to put on my grey Converse.  I smiled at myself in the mirror. "Now, for this task!" I said all super-hero like. I grabbed my brush and hair ties and tried about fifty different styles. I gave up and just put on a hat.

Dancing down the steps I saw Ginny. "Gin!" I smiled catching up to her.

"Oh morning Kerrisa." Ginny smiled, as we walked into the kitchen.

 "Hey y'all." I nodded sitting on a stool between the twins. Many greetings came after I sat down.

"Are you still a twig?" George asked me.

"Oh, by that do you mean I went up from 54 pounds to 66 then yes." I nodded.

"Want some orange juice sweet heart?" Molly asked me.

"Yes please! No plup though."

"Oh of course." She smiled and got me some orange juice.

"O.j.!" I smiled and started to drink the tangy subtance.

Ron was eating so fast I could swear he was gonna choke. "Ronnie, really slow down!" I joked flinging a rinestone off my shirt at him.

"Huh, what?" He asked as the rinestone stuck to his head. I laughed along with the twins.

Percy rolled his eyes, "So childish." He remarked.

"Oh lighten up." Ginny poked him. Arthur was trying to block us out as he read The Daily Prophet.

"Any news?" Molly asked peeking over his shoulder.

"No, not really." Arthur sighed taking a sip of his coffee.

I was eyeing the coffee do to I always want some when someone has it. But of course my parents tell me I can not have it, they tell me I am 'unstable' if I have coffee and or sugar.

"Can I please have some?" I asked in a very six year-old voice. Arthur looked at me then Molly, "Should I?"

"Go ahead sweetie." Molly pushed the cup to me. I smiled ear to ear almost gagging on my own happiness. Fred and George moved scooted away from me, knowing about my hyperness. Ginny was hugging Ron out of fear, and Percy was staring at the cup hoping my hand will just stay away from it.

I grabbed the cup and what was gonna be a sip turned into a full on chug. Molly rushed over and took the cup from me. I pouted but did feel hyper.

"See? We tried to warn you!" Ginny hushed letting go of Ron. I jumped up and started to dance around the house. I tripped over something in the other room. The gingers only heard the sound of glass breaking.

"Is she dead?" George asked hopefuly as they traveled to find me.

Once they saw me I was on the ground, a huge cut on my arm and glass in a circle around me. "Ow." I gasped seeing the glass in my arm.

Molly gasped loudly and sprinted to me. "Oh, Kierrisa! Foolish child come on now." She said and dragged me back to the kitchen, Ginny followed leaving the boys to clean up the glass.

They boys came back so see me just sitting there, my arm was all healed thanks to magic.

"Thanks Molly." I smiled jumping up.

"Your welcome." She laguhed and ginny just smiled. Percy rolled his eyes sitting down next to me.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" I asked.

Ron shurgged, "I have no idea." The twins smiled at me.

"Oh, no! They are smiling! Evil is on it's way!" I screamed hiding behind Percy, who just walked away.

"Fine,fine. We have to go practice our pranks anyway." Fred laughed as he and George ran up to their room. 

Ginny smiled at me and I smiled back. "Come on Gin, i'll play something with you." I laughed and Ginny squealed a yay.

"Lets go, I have this new doll house Mum gave me!" Ginny dragged me up to her room.


FINALLY! I made something I liked! Anywhos, just comment, vote, or even fan!

Friendship Troubles~A George Weasley Love Story~ (Old Verison)Where stories live. Discover now