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"kim jihye"

"what a freak."

"ew what the fuck, i have never seen anyone as ugly as you."

i chuckled to myself as i made my way out of school. why am i used to hearing those words? aren't they bad for humans? but why am i laughing to myself whenever i hear them?

i sighed, making my way to my boyfriend's place. you must be thinking, oh at least you have a boyfriend in between those misery. but what if i told you, he's also my misery?

i unlocked the door, opening it, to reveal a mess before me. i sighed to myself. it was always like this whenever i go over. "yah! you're finally here." my boyfriend, yoongi, tiredly walked out of his studio.

he pinned me against the wall. "where the fuck is my coffee that i ordered?" he gritted in between his teeth. "i-i didn't b-buy your coffee.." i said timidly. then he punched the wall, making me flinch. "i told you to buy the coffee for me, didn't i?!" he shouted, pushing me to the ground.

"shit." i cussed under my breath, when i felt
a piece of broken mirror cut my palm. then he got on top of me. "you better get me a cup of coffee, or you can forget about me being your boyfriend." with that, he gave me a slap, before getting off me.

"why the fuck are you still here?! do you wanna get more beaten up?!" he shouted. "n-no." i stuttered, getting up. "then you better go get my fucking coffee now." he said, giving me another slap, before going back into his studio.

i cried to myself as i made my way to town, getting coffee for him. why am i still together with him? maybe it's because i still love him, despite him being a mess, and abusing me.

i looked up at the sky. oh? it's drizzling.. i put my hoodie over and walked under the rain, as it became heavier and heavier.

but soon stopped when i felt a presence next to me. i looked up to see a pinked hair boy, covering me away from the rain, giving me a sweet smile. how long has it been ever since someone smiled at me?

"here, you can have my umbrella. a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking under the rain." he smiled, taking my hands into his's, passing me his umbrella. i blushed at his actions.

i was about to protest, when he ran off. under the rain.

a pretty girl, huh? the last time someone called me pretty was a year ago. what a sweet boy, with sweet lie. i smiled to myself, thinking about how stupid he, is to think that i'm pretty.

i was snapped out of my thoughts, when i hear bells ringing. i looked behind me, to see a group of students entering the cafe. oh. i'm already at the cafe. i entered the cafe, ordering the usual coffee for yoongi. soon, i went back.

but it's weird how i haven't stopped thinking about the pinked hair boy.

will i ever see him again?

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