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i woke up after what feels like forever. but what was weird is that, i wasn't in my own room. i looked around in panic. where was i? i was about to get up, when i felt a hand wrapped around my waist tightly.

i looked to my right, to see the pinked-hair boy, hugging me tightly. park jimin.. i'm in his room. what should i do? should i leave? i look at the time, to see that it was 9am. we're late for school!

i quickly shook jimin, waking him up. in response, i get groans. "jimin-sshi. we need to go to school." i said, only to get him hugging my waist tighter. which made my face become hotter. "mm.. we'll just skip school today." he replied in his morning voice. god.. save me.

"jimin-sshi. we can't do that." i disagreed with his idea. "please? just for today." he pleaded with his puppy eyes, which made my heart softened. "f-fine." why did i stutter..

"come on, stay in bed with me, for just a little while more." he requested. unknowingly, i did what he said. to only get him pulling me closer to him. then he looked into my eyes, which made my stomach feel all sorts of butterflies.

"j-jimin-sshi.." i stuttered. he chuckled, which made me confused. "we've been working together for 2 weeks now. and you're still addressing me formally." he placed my bangs behind my ears. "just call me jimin, it's fine." he smiled and i nodded.

we just spent the next five minutes, looking at each other and being dangerously close to each other. each time his slender fingers ran through my hair, made my stomach even more uneasy. this was the feeling i felt with yoongi.. i can't do this.

"jimin-ssh-" "jimin." he cut me off. "j-jimin. i-i should go home." i got up, only to get pulled back on his bed again. but this time, i was on top of him, which made me blush.

but soon, he switched our positions. so now i'm below him, with him hovering over me. "let's go out today." he said before i can say anything. then he gave me a sweet smile. "where are we going?" i tried not to stutter.

"let's go to the amusement park?" he suggested. i've never been there before.. "it's not a bad idea.. but i don't feel lik-" "how about the museum?" that doesn't sound too bad.. "don't we have work today?" he frowned. "are you trying to avoid going out with me?"

okay, how did he know? it's not that i don't want to go out, i'm too lazy. i let out a low chuckle. "it's not that.. i'm just.. lazy?" i replied. and he nodded. "do you want to stay in then?" he asked. i shrugged my shoulders. "but if you really wanna stay in, i don't mind." he smiled.

"can't i go home?" i asked but he shook his head. "by the way we have a week off. and i'm planning to spend that one week with you." he said proudly. i looked at him weirdly.

"and why is that?" i asked curiously. "maybe because we need to clear your mind off some things and live life." with that, he pulled me off the bed.

"how about we head to the museum today?" he suggested once again. maybe i should. this means no harm, right? i looked at him, and nodded firmly. he did a small victory dance. "alright. let's go get dressed!" he pumped his fist in the air, making me smile.

"oh yeah. you don't have clothes." he remembered. "i have some girl clothes in my wardrobe. you can have it." he smiled and i nodded, not even wanting to know why he have girl clothes in his wardrobe.

i just took whatever i saw and changed out. i wasn't good at fashion. i guess that's why my schoolmates hates me. i ended up wearing his sweater and the girl's tights. i couldn't find any proper clothing to wear, so i just wore his's.

soon, we arrived at the museum. i looked around, amused. i have never been to a museum before. an art museum to be exact. i didn't expect it to be this beautiful.

being an art student, i started wandering around the museum as jimin was trying to catch up with me. "yah! slow down!" he shouted from behind me. i didn't listen to him, i just kept running.

then i saw a painting. i stopped abruptly in my tracks. it wasn't anything beautiful. but it definitely caught my eyes. i kept observing it. it was dull, but in the middle of nowhere, there was an angel drawn in it.

"this is so beautiful.." i mumbled under my breath. jimin stood beside me, looking at it. "well. there are much more beautiful paintings other this." he said. even though it was true, i almost felt offended. does he not like this painting?

"do you like it?" i asked, taking out my phone to capture a picture of the painting. "i'm not saying it's bad. if it's bad, it wouldn't be here." he said. i nodded.

after taking a few snaps, he interrupted me. "jihye-ah! look at there!" he pointed to his right. i turned, only to see him a few centimetres away from me. i blushed at how close we were. "j-jimin-sshi.." i cussed at myself for stuttering at situations like this.

"w-what is it that you wanted to s-show me?" i looked away from him. only to have him lifting my chin up, looking into his eyes. "hmm.. me?" he replied, making me blush. i moved away from him. "you're ridiculous." i chuckled. "only for you." he winked. oh my god. stop.

after walking around the art museum, i was tired. it was about 6pm in the evening when we finished walking around the whole museum. yeah, it was that big.

"where are we going now?" i asked him. "oh! i'll bring you somewhere i always go." he smiled and started dragging me to god-knows-where.

soon, we arrived at hangang river. my jaw dropped at how beautiful it looked. i have never ever been here before. it was my first time after living for 18 years.

i started taking pictures of my surroundings, as jimin looked at me. "first time here?" he asked and i nodded. "well. this is where i always come whenever i feel bothered." he said and i looked at him.

his pink hair was flowing back in a beautiful way, due to the wind. he's so perfect.

"well.. what keeps you bothered?" i asked, curious. "you know. just life." he replied. and with that, i realized a sunshine like him, has his own moments too. i felt bad, since he was always there for me now a days, but i didn't know when he felt down.

"hey. i'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic for you. but i have something to ask you." i said. "go ahead." "why do you have girls clothes in your wardrobe?" i asked, observing his facial expression carefully.

he let out a sigh. "look. you don't have to answer that question. i was just curious." i quickly said. "no, it's fine. it was my ex-girlfriend's." he answered. oh. of course he would have a girlfriend. he's almost perfect.

"but she cheated on me." he said while smiling. "oh.. i'm so sorry." "no, it's fine. i wasn't the best boyfriend for her either." he said and i nodded. then there was a silence.

"hey. have you ever thought about breaking up with that jerk?" he asked, and i looked at him, surprised. "w-why?" i looked down. "why are you still holding on?" he asked. "do you perhaps, still love him like you do before?" he paused and looked at me.

he lifted my chin up, making me look at him in the eyes. "or are you still together with him, out of pity?"

i gulped. do i still love you, or am i still with you because i pity you..



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