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Claire and Toby came up to me "See you after school" Claire said "Ok" I said "Bye Jimbo" Toby said "Bye" I said and then they went in the same direction as Zianna "Hey Zianna, can we talk for a few minutes" Claire said "Sure" Zianna said "Where is Jim's memories" Toby said "I have no clue what your talking about" Zianna said putting her hand by her bag "Your the one that took Jim's memories" Claire said as Zianna started to run and she ran pass Mr. Strickler's office "Strickler! a little help" Zianna said running past and then Strickler started to chase them "No running" A teacher said as Strickler started to call someone "Tom, we need some help" Mr. Strickler on the phone "Me and Mara will be there in 3 minutes" He said on the phone and then hang up "Zianna! your sister is on her way!" Mr. Strickler yelled "Their coming to the school Toby" Claire said "We have to deal with them now" Toby said "Yes but our only mission is to get Jim's memories" Claire said "Ok" Toby said "Toby, you keep Strickler away and I'll go get Zianna's bag" Claire said "Ok" Toby said stopping and then making Mr. Strickler "Oops, I'm sorry" Toby said running away "Toby you get back here" Mr. Strickler said.

I was at my locker when I saw my dad and this girl at the school "There's Jim and where is Zianna and Strickler" She said as Zianna ran pass me and Claire was chasing her and then Toby was running from Mr. Strickler and then Toby ran into Zianna and Zianna's bag sliding beside me "Jim, grab Zianna's bag!" Claire yelled "No!" My dad said running towards me as I grab it and open it and found a bottle with something in it "Jim! grab the bottle!" Toby yelled getting up and then Strickler came out of no where and push me and the bottle fell onto the ground and Claire grab it and ran to me and give it to me.

I started to remember things, I remember everything "What happen" I said "Jim!" Claire said hugging me and then I touch my eye and I felt pain "What happen to my eye?" I asked "That was Steve" Claire said helping me up and the students were around us "We failed" My dad said "Ok, you two out of the school" Coach Lawrence said grabbing my dad and Mara "Jim!" Toby said hugging me "I missed you so much" Toby said "What does Toby mean?" Mary asks Darci "I have no clue" Darci said "Oh Toby is just joking, right Toby" Claire said "Right!" Toby said.

After school we went to Trollmarket "Master Jim! your here to learn more about your father" Blinky said "What does Blinky mean?" I asked Claire "Yesterday, your dad came to Trollmarket and after he left, you wanted to learn more about him" Claire said "Blinky has his memories back" Toby said "Master Jim, your back!" Blinky said picking me and hugging me "The Trollhunter has his memories back" Draal said "Yes" Blinky said as I started to walk away from them "Where are you going Jim?" Toby asked "I'll be right back" I said running to the place with Aaarrrgghh and Vendel.

I went towards Aaarrrgghh "I'm sorry" I said "I'm so sorry" I said crying "I didn't know what I was doing" I said putting my hand on face "I wish I could go back" I said "I didn't mean to kill you" I said and then looking at Vendel "I didn't mean to kill both of you" I said, then I rub my face to get rid of the tears and then I went to the Hero's Forge and saw a structure of me "They thought I was dead" I said looking at the structure and then I turn around.

I found them in Blinky's library "I think I'm going to head home" I said walking in the library "Ok Jim, see you tomorrow" Claire said "Bye Jim" Toby said "Bye" I said walking out.

When I was riding home on my bike, I saw Zianna "Jim!" Zianna said "What do you want Zianna" I said stopping my bike "I had to tell you this because I didn't want to hold it back, Jim your mind is poison" Zianna said "What do you mean by 'poison'?" I asked "From you losing your memories, your dad poison your mind so you can only see bad things" Zianna said "And when he said "We failed" he didn't look so surprise because he knew that the memory potion would do that" Zianna said "I don't believe you" I said biking away "Jim please listen to me!" Zianna yelled when I was biking away.

When I got home, my mom left a note "Hi Jim, I'm at work and if you need anything just call me" The note said "I still need to tell my mom that I have my memories" I said putting the note on table and then went into the kitchen.

Then I heard my mom in the living room "Jim! get your butt in here!" My mom yelled from the living, I went into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch "Jim! I'm tired with you not being home when I need you" My mom said "Well I'm sorry mom, I need to be there for the trolls" I said "But your never here for me, I never see you anymore because of you being the Trollhunter and what happen to taking care of each other" My mom said getting up from the couch "I can still take care of you and myself mom" I said "Jim you changed after you found this amulet" My mom said going towards the door "Mom where are you going?" I said following her, when she went outside "I'm leaving" My mom said getting into her car "Why?" I said as she back up and didn't see the car coming at her "MOM! look out!" I yelled running to her car and then hearing my mom screams and then that was it.

I was outside and when I looked up, there was no cars and my mom's car wasn't in the driveway, I went back inside and went upstairs and shut my door "What's happening to me" I said as I lean against my door and put my hand on my head.

Author Epp, Hello guys and if you liked this chapter, you can check out my new story call His Childhood and Bye~ 

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