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(A/n) - I've been looking forward to this story, I hope most of you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Finally I've done what I should certainly do for each of my future stories... a chapter plan and character base, I can already tell this will help me a lot. Anyways enough of my rambling, on with the story.


The room was filled with vibrant colours. Everywhere I looked extravagant skirts swayed and intricately adorned masks flashed, the faces of people obscured by my own domino. It was truly a grand masquerade, I smiled gleefully at the many people dancing in the large room. The tall pillars supporting the elaborate ceiling were ornately decorated in red to complement the family crest's white and gold. Multiple candelabra were placed around the hall, the individual candles giving the ballroom a flaxen gleam. Couples danced in sync to the waltz played by the orchestra, located towards the back of the room, neatly twirling in lines. Elegantly the men lead their female counterparts, each step matching the beat perfectly, both sides shared chaste smiles with each other.

Through the swaying crowd I glimpsed a man different from the others, he did not look peculiar, it was rather the way he held himself as well as his general behaviour. A large smile remained placed on his pale face, the many visible freckles on his cheeks made the man seem innocent, however something about him made the hairs on my nape stand up. Perhaps it was the way his blue eyes inspected each inch of the man standing before him, or the way his blond hair held a tint of blush and looked to be carelessly splayed about his face. His head turned and he met my eyes, a charming smile flashing on his visage. Bashfully I looked to my feet, my fingers automatically fiddling with the fabric of my dress, risking a glance upwards I found that the man had dissapeared. I spun around searching for him, but to no avail, it was as though he had melted into the crowd. I felt as though I was being watched and pivoted around once more, only to come face to face with the very man I was looking for.

"I couldn't help but catch you glancing at me from afar. If I may, I am honoured to have been glanced upon by such a beautiful woman.", his voice was soft, but held an undertone I could not identify. The previous song ended and the dancing couples separated from each other, as the next waltz began a glimmer shone in the man's eyes. He smiled towards me, "May I have this dance?", he offered his hand which I timidly took. Immediately I was spun into place next to another couple, awkwardly I let my eyes wander, unsure of where to rest them. I low chuckle caught my attention and I looked back at my partner, "You can just look at me.", the mysterious noble offered another smile.

I felt my cheeks grow warm as I let my gaze rest on his face, "You may not care for it, but this is my first dance.", I explained, my expression openly showcasing my anxiety, swiftly I turned to look at my feet. After a silent pause I allowed myself to look up once more, the man's eyes were wide with shock, "Did I say something inappropriate?", I quickly questioned, worried at his unsettled expression.

He shook his head, "No, not at all. I just find it mysterious that not one man has danced with such a charming woman as yourself.", once again my face grew hotter. This man was undeniably handsome and to receive complements from him made my heart flutter against my chest. We continued to sway with the music, his hand was gently laying on my hip, the other wrapped around my hand. The man smiled brightly, "My lady, what are your thoughts on mysteries?", the question swung at me from no where and left me confused for a moment before I could comprehend its meaning.

"W-well...", I stuttered, "I find mysteries rather befuddling, however I cannot deny the thrill I feel whenever I read of them.", the man smiled once again, he seemed contented by my answer.

He studied my expression for a moment before speaking, "What a wonderful way to put it.", he told silently. The final chords of the waltz sounded and I found myself struggling with the remaining steps, I relied on my partner to lead me through, which he did, rather skillfully so. The song ended and both he and I parted from each other, "I do hope we will be abel to converse again.", he told before once again melting into the crowd.

I nodded subconsciously, still caught in the euphoric feel of my first dance, I turned to where I knew my father stood and walked towards the man. He caught sight of me and grinned, it was not a kind grin, but much more a grin that told me he had no good intent. Respectfully curtsying before him I awaited his assessment of both the dance and my partner, as he had told me he would do.

He brought two plump fingers to rub his gruff chin, "My dear, I am glad that those tutoring lessons payed off, you were as elegant as a swan in flight.", he exclaimed, using his arms to emphasize his false praise. I nodded my head in gratitude, he nodded and continued, "Aside from that, do you have any idea who you have just waltzed with?", my father looked at me expectantly.

Carefully I met his stare, "I'm afraid I do not.", the grey headed man smirked before chuckling boisterously.

He calmed himself before letting his simper resettle onto his face, "He is none other than the heir of my England's fifth most successful company. Just think of the possibilities if you were to gain his favour, what financial benefits would be gained, to imagine that you would catch his eye. That, my dear, was Oliver Kirkland."

~~~ 955 words & 3 pages ~~~

Masqueraded Meeting - 2p!England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now