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(A/n) - And so I begin to reveal the real Oliver, that we all know, how fun~! I do have to admit I looked forward to this part of the story, after all who doesn't like to write about an insane person every once in a while~? Anyways as always enjoy...


If it hadn't already I would have frozen where I stood, Oliver's familiar voice rung from the entrance behind me. Shakily I turned to face him, he stood menacingly in the doorway, light from the hallway illuminated his form from behind. His pupils were constricted and the familiar pink swirls encircled them, a sinister grin continued to spread on his face. His expression alone caused me to take a step backwards, I spotted something glimmer in Oliver's hand, he brandished a kitchen carving knife.

"Fancy finding you here," his voice held a higher pitch to it and was to happy for the situation at hand "I honestly had hoped it wouldn't come to this, poppet." he took a step forward, I took one back. Oliver brought the knife in front of him, the blade glinting threateningly, "Believe me, I truly love you and I can not stand the thought of you leaving me, because of my petty secret." another step forward, another backward.

I regained control of my voice, "How can you claim to sincerely love me whilst holding a knife?", it quivered, due to my frightened state, however my question was clear.

Rather than answering immediately, Oliver let out a low giggle, only frightening me more, "I do not hold this knife with the intent to harm you, unless my hand is forced." he stressed the final words a dark look in his blue-pink eyes. I gulped inaudibly, he moved onward and as before I responded by retreating a little further, I knew at some point I would reach the wall, I would be trapped. Another menacing giggle ripped me from my escape plans "Surely you understand my want, no need for your company... surely you won't leave me.", this time he took three larger strides forward.

I skittered backwards and fell against something solid, I had reached the wall. Shrinking beneath his gaze I watched as Oliver stalked towards me, much like a wolf towards a helpless lamb. He stopped in front of me, his smile seemingly widening as he inspected my reaction, slowly he brought his free hand upwards and placed it next to my head. Surprisingly gently he stroked a stray lock of hair, before bringing it near his face, kissing it and dropping it back to its original position. At this point I was visibly shaking at Oliver's close contact, he did not remain ignorant of it and moved his hand from my hair to my cheek, rubbing it softly. He seemed almost normal again for a moment, before I managed to snap myself back to reality, his eyes were hypnotizing. I flinched away from his touch and ducked beneath his extended arm and ran for the now closed door, frantically I tried to turn the door nob, but the door would not budge. When had Oliver locked the door, was I so terrified I did not even take note of it? Said man's sinister giggled shot through the air and sent shivers down my spine, I turned around to find him stalking towards me once again, the crazed look in his eyes returned. My knees buckled from beneath me and a slid down the door hopelessly, awaiting nothing but my death.

"(Y/n), my dear dear (y/n), I thought I told you not to run off," he scoffed at me his mouth dropping to a frown, and began waving a disapproving finger, "it must be those legs of yours that refuse to listen... perhaps it would be best to do away with them." within an instance Oliver's grin returned.

He practically waltzed over and crouched beside me, pushing me against the door and placing his knife over my hip, "Please, don't... I promise I will stay, I assure you there is no need to do this. I promise...", I implored desperately, my voice cracking as I began to weep.

The knife clattered to the ground, and I felt myself engulfed in a warm embrace, "Oh, poppet, you have no idea how happy you make me saying those words~.", Oliver's voice whispered into my ear, I felt his warm breath brush my helix briefly. Briskly he jumped up and walked towards one of his various cabinets, he seemed to be searching for something specific. "Where did I put it, Ollie think, think~." he suddenly stopped in front of one of the cabinets and pulled out a pastel pink liquid. He opened the vial, containing the potion, and proceeded to empty it into his mouth, once some of the liquid was gone he returned it to the cabinet and hovered above me once again. With sudden swiftness he leaned down and placed his lips over mine, forcing the potion into my mouth, he removed himself "Good night, poppet~.", was all I could hear before darkness overtook my vision.


Another four days had passed since my threatening encounter with Oliver and since I had also been plotting my escape. It had become clear now that my husband was no sane man and there was a desperate need to get away from here. However this proved to be very difficult, everywhere I went I could feel Oliver's hypnotic eyes follow my every movement, he remained true to his statement of not letting me escape. I had tried to convince him in every way possible that I would not attempt to leave him, though he refused to leave me on my own. The only moment I would not bear the weight of his gaze was we rested for the night, this was the time when I would have a chance to think of different ways to run away. It was on this night that I had finally succeeded in hatching a plan worth testing, I doubted I would ever receive another chance afterwards.

The following day I went to the kitchen, with the intent to bake cup cakes, I had recalled that Oliver had said he had a passion for baking and I hoped this would be able to distract him for a short time. As I hoped it did not take long for my husband to realize what I was making and he entered the kitchen in a nonchalant manner.

"Poppet, what are you making there?", he questioned with near genuine curiosity.

I smiled best I could, "I wanted to surprise you, I'm baking cup cakes.", I saw his eyes light up at my response and he dashed over beside me.

"Oh please, oh please let me help you~.", he practically begged on his knees and I was more than glad to accept his offer, everything was playing into my plan.

I smiled and let him join me at the counter, "Oh if you excuse me, I need to go wash my hands, could you continue until I'm back?", Oliver nodded and I walked off, in the general direction of the water closet.

Before I reached it however I swerved to the side and headed down the same hallway that lead to Oliver's study. Quickly I entered the room and scanned the cabinets for what I was searching, my eyes landed on the pastel pink liquid Oliver had used on me before. I grabbed the vial and slid it into the bodice of my dress, before leaving the room and racing back to the kitchen.

When I had returned Oliver had just barely begun to place the cup cakes into the oven, he grinned at me and he joyfully finished his work. To my luck he decided to leave the room for a moment to retrieve more sugar from the storage, I grinned and revealed the vial, quickly emptying it in a separate bowl and covering it with butter. Oliver returned and we finished making the frosting for the baking cup cakes. A short wait later he retrieved the cup cakes from the oven, and I began gently applying frosting to each one.

"I believe this is the first time I have baked without a written recipe, I want you to try one first.", I lifted a cup cake and placed it in Oliver's hands, smiling at him expectantly.

He grinned back at me, "With pleasure.", with no hesitation he bit into the slightly warm pastry item. Eagerly he continued to eat, obviously savouring each bite, however at once his eyes grew wide and snapped towards me, I feared he had been able to detect the poison somehow. However his eyes began to droop, "You must be getting rusty, old chap... poisoned by your own poison...", he mumbled before hitting the ground with a painful crash.

I wasted no time on packing only grabbing necessities, such as money, food and clothes, before quickly running from our mansion. I refused to stick to roads, expecting Oliver to search those first, and opted to run cross-country into the woods bordering our property. I had heard some people speak of an abandoned witch's cabin there, and hoped to be able to hide there for a little before I would plan my next destination. True to their words I found the old cabin in the woods, surprisingly quickly which worried me that Oliver would find it in an equal amount of time, I would have to move quicker than planned.


I had managed to remain hidden for a day and a night, Oliver had not yet discovered my hiding spot, thought I had no doubt he would soon find it. I had just began packing everything once more when the door was thrown open, much like a frightened cat I jumped before snapping my head to look at the entrance. There my eyes were once more caught by those hypnotizing blue-pink orbs, Oliver had found me. I made a mad dash for the door, hoping to simply slip by him, however he was faster. With a quick motion he brought out a knife once more and brought the handle down on my nape.

There was no escape now...

~~~ 1660 words & 4.8 pages ~~~

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