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358 17 2

(A/n) - Might I add that this is more of a practice story for my own benefit, I apologize for the mistakes present. I thought this might be useful information for you all, now enjoy...


It had been two long years since my encounter with Kirkland, though the day we met seemed like yesterday. I still remembered his peculiar blue eyes and odd posture clearly, I was never quiet sure why it unsettled me. In the spare moments of my day I would often catch myself thinking back to our dance, wishing for us to repeat it once more. It was no secret that I thought of him, my father found out rather quickly, catching me daydreaming in the middle of one of his speeches. He was happy to see me in such a state, though of course it didn't matter to him how I felt, it was much more the hopes of furthering himself. Though I took no mind of him, he never had interest in my wellbeing and as long as he did nothing to harm me I didn't see why I should mind him at all.

I was walking through one of the long hallways of my home, on one side intricate tapestries hung on the painted walls, to the other a row of windows allowed me to look at a beautiful garden. Once I passed the view, I stopped in front of my destinations, the familiar door to my father's study. I raised my hand and gently knocked on the wood, waiting for my father's reply.

The door opened and I was ushered inside, I took note of the cream envelopes scattered about the desk inside the room. Once my father sat me down in front of the desk, he himself took a seat behind it, I stared at him expectantly.

He grinned and clapped his hands before speaking, "I have grandiose news, my dear. We have had many balls these past years, however I will host a second masquerade.", I nodded in reply, I didn't show as much interest as my father would have liked. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, "I have invited Oliver Kirkland, I hope this will pique your interest.", my eyes widened slightly and a ghost of a smile hovered over my face, now my father seemed satisfied. "I expect you to attend, though I doubt I will have to remind you.", I stopped listening, caught in my own fantasies once more.

"Yes, I will come.", I told, before being dismissed and leaving the room. Once I stood outside I placed a hand over my fluttering heart, could this strange emotion be love, had I fallen in love with Kirkland?. "Am I truly in love?", I asked myself out loud, before walking dazedly down the hallway once more.


The masquerade was once again filled with colourful costumes and masks, however I did not pay much attention to my surroundings, I was too caught up in my desperate search for those familiar blue eyes. I glanced around searching for a peculiar posture and for blond hair holding a hint of rose. On the verge of giving up, I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I was met with baby blue orbs, hidden beneath a pastel pink domino. I suppressed my smile when I recognized Kirkland's features, just as at our last meeting a charming smile played around his mouth and from what I could see he seemed just as happy to see me as I was to see him. He bowed, bringing my hand up as he returned to his original position, and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

Holding back a blush I curtsied in return, "It is a wonderful surprise to meet you once again.", I a small smile take over my expression.

Kirkland inclined his head, the twinkle on his face never leaving, "I would say the same, however when I was invited I knew you would attend as well, it is your family's masquerade.", both he and I chuckled quietly. He glanced at the dancing couples before looking back at me, "Would you honour me with a second dance?", Kirkland offered his hand.

I placed my hand in his, "It would be my pleasure.", just as last time I was pulled into the centre of the room.

The waltz began and I let my eyes settle on my partner's, "I see you are not as timorous as at our last dance.", Kirkland told reassuringly.

I let my smile widen, "I never forgot what you had told me, I have also had much more practice now than before.", I was happy to have left a memory in his mind, even if it wasn't one of my brightest times.

As we moved in step with the music I felt as though I were dancing on clouds, it was near impossible to deny that I was in love with the man before me. However there was something about him that made me nervous, something about this man screamed danger and told me to leave him and run far away. I force the bizarre feelings to the back of my mind and concentrated on my feet and the music, after all I wouldn't want to rely on Kirkland as I did last time. We completed the dance successfully, I smiled at him and curtsied as he returned the twinkle and bowed.

"I hope we will soon be reunited.", he told before leaving, most likely to talk with some other noble.

Before I was able to do the same I caught glimpse of a wisp of dirty blonde hair, the familiar girl made her way towards me. The woman's mischievous blue eyes shone with evil delight, her hips swinging with exaggerated strides, I suppressed the roll of my eyes at the familiar face. This was Victoria Anne Mistry (If this is your name, feel free to change it.), both her and my families were known rivals throughout the country, I did not know what their daughter was doing here. She simpered at me, inspecting my from and watching me like cattle at an auction.

"And what, may I ask, are you doing here, Victoria?", I questioned, a glare evident in my eyes.

She giggled obnoxiously before replying, "Why, my dear, I was invited.", her voice was sickeningly sweet. It seemed she took note of my disgusted expression, "Aww, why are you making that face at me, (y/n) dear?", the way she spoke as though we were best of friends made me want to slap her.

I growled inwardly, "You know exactly why and I would be much obliged if we could avoid further conversation.", with that final phrase I turned and strutted off.

Unbeknownst to me a pair of ice blue eyes had watched the entire exchange, a smirk of his own played around his face. He chuckled to himself, amused by the open display of hatred, how truly humorous it was to watch two women speak with each other when obvious rivalry is apparent. The man's smirk was wiped from his face as a deep frown took its place, he did not enjoy watching the blonde, she reminded him of a snake wrapping itself slowly around an innocent doe.

I continued on my way to my father, I assumed he would once again have something to say to me. I found him near the back of the room, conversing with another nobleman, he seemed familiar though not in the sense that I had met him before, much more that his face reminded me of someone. The closer I looked the familiar his face became, baby blue eyes, a charming smile, blond hair with a tint of salmon, he looked like an older version of Kirkland.

"Ah, (Y/n) my dear, let me introduce you.", my father waved me over and gestured to the masked man next to him. Facing the floor I walked forward, curtsying politely before the unknown man, I risked looking upwards, a kind smile masked his expression. My father nodded at me, "This is the Earl James Kirkland, Earl Oliver Kirkland's father. James, this is my daughter Lady (Y/n) (L/n).", Kirkland's father nodded at me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you.", his smile widened.

"The pleasure is all mine.", I returned with a smile of my own.

My father clapped his hands to gain my attention, "Now, the Earl Kirkland and I have just decided that you will be wed to his son.", I stopped breathing for a moment and my eyes widened at those words.

I composed myself and let a neutral mien take its place on my face, I was going to marry Oliver Kirkland.

~~~ 1421 words & 4.1 pages ~~~

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