ƈɦǟքȶɛʀ 3 - զʊɛֆȶɨօռֆ

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(A/n) - I will warn you right at the beginning, this is chapter isn't quite as nicely polished as I hoped it would be. I apologize for the fact that this chapter seems a little rushed and that Oliver is quite ooc in these first few chapters, but fear not his true self shall soon emerge...


With the banns having be completed without objections and the contract signed, I officially was Oliver Kirkland's wife. The wedding feast was upon us, I sat at the head of the table, Oliver beside me, both of us accepting the many congratulations. Around us garlands of white flowers hung between the pillars wrapped in white silk, same coloured cloth was spread on table before us. It was a rather extravagant celebration, many guests were invited; though most if honestly asked did not care much for the matrimony, rather they cared for the hopes of gaining power and riches from both of our families as well as my future one. My hand curled itself around Oliver's, I felt threatened by the several presences, I was not used to the attention.

"So the rumours are true, little (Y/n) went and got married.", I visibly paled at the sound of Victoria's voice. I turned to smile painfully at the blonde viscountess, "Oh and what a handsome fellow he is." her voice was no more than a whisper in my ear.

My smile twitched, "Yes, Oliver and I are officially married.", I seethed, a hateful luster in my eyes.

Victoria smirked knowingly, "Oh, how wonderful, I congratulate you.", mockery was clear in her voice. She leaned close to my ear once more, "Love, I'd watch your man, it would be a shame if he were to fancy a girl other than yourself.", my eyes went wide, was she implying what I thought?

She curtsied and scuttled away, off to pester another noble attending our banquet. I looked at Oliver from the corner of my eye, studying him and the way he spoke with others, he never proclaimed his love, but not much was expected of an arranged marriage. I sighed quietly glaring at Victoria's form from afar, could there have been truth in her statement? Would Oliver be unfaithful? These and similar questions flooded my mind and I began growing anxious, despite the many affections I bore towards him at the beginning, I started suspecting him. Was this truly as smart of a match as I had thought?


Once the festivities were over with, Oliver guided me outside his parent's mansion. Before the entrance a coach waited, pulled by two elegant black geldings, I looked to the blond beside me, he gently nudged me forward with an encouraging smile. Shyly I stepped into the carriage, Oliver taking his seat beside me, using his cane he tapped the roof and we began to move.

It did not take long for us to reach our new home, I found myself standing before the tall walls of yet another mansion. I could barely count the windows decorating the front, stepping up to the entrance I admired the elegantly carved door.

Oliver lead me inside, I was breathless, the entrance hall had several tapestries decorating its walls and to the right a stone fireplace crackled with a small blaze. I wandered around the large corridors, my husband never leaving my side, admiring the beautiful workmanship. A comforting feeling began to well up inside me, I felt as though I was at home. Overcome by this emotion I grabbed Oliver's hand gently and turned to smile at him, demonstrating my joy.

He returned with a grin of his own, "I am glad it seems to be to your liking. Now, it is getting late. Allow me to escort you to our chamber.", I grew pale, I knew what was expected of me on my wedding night. I followed Oliver almost mechanically, he seemed to sense my discomfort and squeezed his hand around mine. We stopped, "I will not force anything upon you, that you do not want.", I nodded weakly and looked into his eyes, something was hidden behind his gaze, though I could not tell what it was.

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