The Dark Figure

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Lexie's POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. That means I have another amazing day at school! Yay! I got up and picked out my clothes, which consisted of a pink and grey stripped tank top with a sparkly heart in the middle, my favorite jean shorts and my blue Toms. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put my clothes on, and did my hair. I ran downstairs to grab a quick breakfast then got into my car. I was driving to school, when my favorite song, Radioactive, came on. I started singing to it while I kept my hands on the wheel. About halfway through the song, I was totally not paying attention to the road. All of a sudden I heard a screech, a crash, and felt glass shatter everywhere. The last thing I heard and saw were the sirens of the ambulances and a dark figure with glowing eyes staring at me through the window, then everything went black.


This is the first minecraft fanfic I've written, so I hope you like it!!!!!!

VOTW: "I know The Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." Psalms 16:8

QOTW: "The mind that opens to new ideas never returns to its original size." -Albert Einstein

SOTW: "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry

Question: Who's your favorite member from Team Crafted? Mine's Jason or Minecraftuniverse!

What do you want to happen in this story? Please make sure you vote and comment!

Thank you for reading, and see you later peeps!!! - x Lexie

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