Meet Team Crafted

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Hermione's POV:

We were all thinking of how we got here and how to get out of here when, all of a sudden, we heard very loud voices, about eight of them, arguing. "How did we get here? I don't understand!" One yelled. "I don't know how we got here!" Another said, or rather, screamed. "Everyone calm down! We need to find a shelter for the night, and, if there is anybody else here, we need to find them as well," a deep voice said calming down the others.

I quietly told my friends to stay there while I went out to find the voices. I walked out of the small cave, only to be met with 8 tall figures.

One was wearing a space suit and I couldn't see his face, another was wearing regular clothes with a headset on. One was wearing a black fitted suit, but he looked so fluffy. Another was next to him, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, and both were gripping on to a butter axe. Yes I call whatever that yellow stuff is butter, I'm a Sky fan. Don't judge.

One was wearing cool glasses with a purple glowing amulet resting against his chest, and immediately recognized him as Sky. Another was also wearing glasses, but he had a blue undershirt on. One looked like a fish, and had a grey suit on. Finally, the last one had a massive amount of color on his clothing, mainly grey, purple, and red, but was also glowing purple. It looked like he had the creeper insignia on his shirt as well.

After what seemed like forever of staring at them, I finally felt like I should introduce myself.

"Hi, my name is Hermione!" I said a little too cheerfully. Sky stepped forward to introduce himself even though I already know who he is. I'm not planning on telling him that though. I don't recognize the other guys, so I'm assuming they will introduce themselves inside. "Hi, my name is Sky. I was wondering, would you mind if we stayed in your little cave with you?" He asked.

"No, I don't mind, and I don't think my friends would either," I stated. They stared at me wide-eyed, maybe because I said there were more of us. They then followed me to the cave. After we all got settled, I asked my friends to introduce themselves. Mackenzie then stood up.

"Hi, I'm Mackenzie! And this," she said pointing to Jinx, "is Jinx! I'm sure you've all met Hermione, and this is Lexie!" She said in an all to cheerful mood for me right now.

Sky stood up again, probably to introduce himself to the other girls. "Hi, I'm Sky! Hey, that rhymes!" He said and we all laughed at his goofiness. "Hi, I'm Deadlox, but you can call me Ty!" Headset guy said. "Hi, I'm Jerome or Fluffy!" Fuzzy guy said. "Hi, I'm Bajancanadian, but you can call me Benja!" The guy in the plaid shirt said. "Hello ladies, I'm Huskymudkipz, or Quintin, or the amphibian. But never call me a fish. I am not a fish!" Fish guy, excuse me, amphibian guy said. We all laughed at his remark. "Hi, I'm Setosorcerer, but you can call me Seto!" Purple glowy dude said. "Hi, I'm Ssundee, but you can call me Ian! Do you guys, by any chance, have cake?" He asked. The girls and I laughed hysterically and the guys all chuckled at how eager he was to get his hands on some cake. But we weren't done laughing yet. "And last, but certainly not least, the amazing, the wonderful, TruMU!" Spaceman shouted. "But please call me Jason," he firmly stated.

After we finished our laughing fit, I finally realized something.

"OMG, you guys are Team Crafted!"


This is the first minecraft fanfic I've written, so I hope you like it!!!!!!

VOTW: "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." -Psalm 23:4

QOTW: "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you." -Winnie the Pooh

SOTW: "Good Girls" by 5SOS

Question: What movie do you want to see the most or hoping will be made from a book you read? I want to see "How To Train Your Dragon 2" or "Divergent"(again), and I want to see Insurgent and Allegiant be turned into movies!

What do you want to happen in this story? Please make sure to vote and comment!

Thank you for reading, and see you later peeps!!! - x Lexie

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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