The Dark Figure 2

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Jinx's POV:

I was playing on my minecraft server at about 3 o'clock in the morning. All of a sudden I saw a dark shadow with glowing eyes hover over me and whisper, "Have fun." My computer screen twitched and swirled, and then turned off. The last thing I saw before being sucked into my computer was the dark shadow, grinning deviously.

Hermione's POV:

I was walking peacefully to school, since I only live about a block away. I was almost to school, when something came over me. I couldn't physically move my body; my body was moving me. It walked home, and sat down in front of my computer. It turned on and my body immediately put on minecraft. And then, in an instant, my own soul gets sucked into the screen. Before I blacked out, I saw a shadow with glowing eyes standing in front of my screen, evilly laughing.

Mackenzie's POV:

I was sleeping in since I didn't want to go to school. After about an hour more of sleep, I got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for another day of teachers yelling at me for being late. As I was washing my face, I was abruptly picked up and thrown to the wall. I opened my eyes to see a dark figure with glowing eyes staring right back at me. The last thing, before I fell into a deep sleep, I saw was the shadow drag me to my room and slam me into a dark abyss.


This is the first minecraft fanfic I've written, so I hope you like it!!!!!!

VOTW: "The Heavens declare the glory of God; the Skies proclaim the work of His Hands." -Psalm 19:1

QOTW: "You can't start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one." -Unknown

SOTW: "Move" by Little Mix

Question: Do you have any pets? I have two dogs! Both are labs, one is yellow and one is brown!

What do you want to happen in this story? Please make sure you vote and comment!

Thank you for reading, and see you later peeps!!! - x Lexie

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