The Start

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Lexie's POV:

I kept on hearing voices and it seemed I was laying on the ground, but I wasn't in any pain. I was peacefully resting when all of a sudden I was picked up. So, on reflex, I shot my eyes open to see Mackenzie standing there carrying me. But something was different. Everything, including my friends, were blocks. I looked at Jinx, then Hermione, and then Mackenzie with a confuzed, yet calm, face. "I will explain everything later, but right now we need a shelter," Jinx explained. I nodded and got out of Mackenzie's arms. We searched until we found a small cave. That would suffice. We sat down, and Jinx started to explain. "To save you from a very, very long story, we're in minecraft. I'm not sure how you all got here, but me, I was playing minecraft last night, when all of a sudden a dark figure with glowing eyes hovered over me. It whispered, 'Have fun!' and my computer glitched. Then I was sucked into the computer with the figure grinning evilly," she explained calmly. I was shocked that we were in minecraft. How long were we here before this? How long will we be here before we can get out? Then it hit me. That figure that Jinx told us about, with those glowing eyes. That figure, was Herobrine.


This is the first minecraft fanfic I've written, so I hope you like it!!!!!!

VOTW: "With God all things are possible." -Matthew 19:26

QOTW: "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

SOTW: "Acapella" by Karmin

Question: What day would you want to be a holiday? I would want  "dress up as minecraft characters day" to be a holiday!

What do you want to happen in this story? Please make sure you vote and comment!

Thank you for reading, and see you later peeps!!! - x Lexie

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