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Moon glanced at her mother who sat in her festival thrown. "Mother...may I please partake in the festivities of the event"?
        Moon mused looking fully at her mother. Mother chuckled as she turned to her pupil. "Why not sweet child. Your young I might as well let you have fun in your youth before you take the burden of Queen ship".
        Her mother noted as she gestured her wand to the festival around them. Moon jumped up in excitement, and ran far from her mother's gaze. The silky headed princess ran to a stand for corn on a stick. She grinned widely at the man who stood at the stand. "One please, good sir".
         Moon exclaimed as the mewman looked down at her. He smiled widely down at her in cheery emotion."Of course anything for the princess of Mewni".
         He chatted as he handed the cob to her. She smiled, and pulled out a coin to pay. He shook his head smiling down at her once more. "No need ma lady it's free for the Royal family".
       He rolled his r as he spoke. Moon frowned widely, and put the coin in the donation box. She smiled at him one last time before she began to walk around. Moon rolled her eye's and took a bite from the sweet lightly salted veggie. She felt dazed at the delicious flavor.
          Moon thought about the issue. "Why does everyone put me on a pedestal I'm just another mewman just because I'm next for queen ship doesn't mean I'm a goddess ugh", she imagined life as a normal mewman. Free to walk among others equally, to be known as just another person, to not go down in history as an important figure.
         She walked slowly her feet a patterned tap on the gravel pathways. Moon spotted him still reading, the lizard monster from earlier. Moon's pace began to quicken as she neared him. "Hello young sir, what brings you to Mewni on the fine day of the festival"?
       She spoke her tone questionable. He looked over at Moon his yellowish amber gaze steady. He marked his book with a white feather so he would not lose his place in the chapters. He doesn't smile, but he looks appreciative. "My name is Toffee, I sit here everyday, my father is a knight of the monster realm, but I prefer brains over the bronze so I come here to relieve my emotions, and anger towards his pride".
         He explained looking at her more closely. He stares widely then gets on bended knee, and bows to her. Moon watches in dismay, as he acknowledges her tiara. She feels the urge to just walk away, but she intakes breath, and looks back at him. "I may be the princess, but that doesn't make me any different from any other young lady in the dimensions".
         Moon complained holding a hand out to Toffee. He took her hand, and she pulled him up. He looks down in embarrassment, and slight shame. "I'm sorry ma lady".
        Toffee mumbled. Moon takes a bite from her cob chuckling a bit. She puts her other hand on her hip, and stares at him. "It's Moon not ma lady, I'm nowhere near a proper young girl".
       Moon admitted her cheeks lighting up a little. He smiles slightly at her, and steps a bit closer. "So what is corn like, I've seen mewman's eat that at literally every event".
        Toffee asked her in pure curiosity. Moon gives him a look shock. "You have never tried corn before"!?
         She gushed, and grabbed his cold hand. Moon runs, and brings him to the corn stand. "One please", Moon squealed.
         "Is that thing with you princess", the man spoke crossly nodding towards Toffee.
         "What...yes, yes he is", Moon looks at the mewman in confusion as she pays for a corn cob.
        Moon walks away as she hands Toffee the cob, she frowns as she walks past people giving her looks of disapproval. Toffee's face was a mixture of anger, and regret. Moon winced a bit, had she done something wrong? She tried to push the thought to the back of her head. Once they reach his book,and bench again they sit down. "Why did he call you a thing Toffee"?
        Moon asked in a slightly upset manor the thought rising back from her vault. He takes a bite of the cob. "Wow this is great", Toffee tries to change the subject his eyes narrowing as he looked to the left.
        Moon frowns, and looks at the young monster in front of her. She felt the slight pinch of anger rise in her stomach. A pet peeve of hers was lying, or not answering a simple question. "I am the princess you are in my kingdom, I asked you a question, so you should answer me"!
         Moon sassed, her eyes pricing diamonds of the finest cut. Toffee blushed in embarrassment, his eyes clouding. He stepped forward, and stood tall his face stern. "Mewman's don't see monsters as equals, we are savage scum to your kind ma lady. Countless monsters have been treated unfairly, because of what our ancestors did, so mewman's no longer look at us eye to eye".
       Toffee replied his look still curt, and strong. Moon looked down, and took a bite of her cob. Her eye's meet his, and she intakes air sharply. "I'm terribly sorry about that, you shouldn't be judged by your species past. I see the good in every person, you have never harmed anyone you simply come here to relax. In my own personal book your kind our welcomed here", Moon holds out her hand to Toffee.
        "I want to be your friend", Moon mused as he took her small hand.
        "That would be a pleasure ma la~Moon...haha yeah Moon", Toffee cheered shaking her hand.
        Moon kisses his cheeks in a respectful manor. He blushes, and does the same. It felt awkward, but Moon had done it to many before so she shrugged it off.

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