Royal Querals

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Moon thought about the day. The tired maiden regretted wishing these fantastic hours to go by so fast now that she was alone in her room once again. She couldn't help, but think about the monster boy she had met earlier at the festival. She had spent all of it with him, but it had only felt like a few minutes.

"He was so different than mother's description of septerians...I must find out more about them...something is missing...", Moon thought quietly to herself as she began readying for bed. She bathed, used her nightly facials, and rubbed her favorite lotion into her clear pale baby soft skin.

The silvery blue haired princess wanted to ask her mother something before she let slumber take her though. Moon slipped out of her personal bathroom, and followed suit out of her royal bedroom padding towards her mother, and father's quarters. Knocking on the door, Moon called out to them, "Mother may I speak with you for a brief moment?"

She waited until her mother poked out her head. Her beauty was of equal measure to Moon's despite her age being much larger. Her hair was pulled back in a flawless large bun, and shined glamorously mirroring Moon's stunning appearance.

"Yes my darling Moon?" She whispered softly.

Moon stammered slightly now that she was actually speaking to the Queen, "I was wondering if...well...are all septerians...b-bad?"

Moon's mother looked taken aback by Moon's question. The queen glanced around, and then back at Moon. "Dear, let's go get a midnight treat, and we can speak of this in a bit more private atmosphere...", Moon's mother suggested, and weaved out of her, and her husband's room closing the door behind her. She wore a silky lavender nightgown with matching slippers making her footsteps silent against the floor as she swept her, and Moon to the kitchen area. "What would you like dear? We have lemon bar, strawberry rhubarb pie, raspberry Crème Brulé, and honey sopapillas...", she observed looking over the pastries.

"Can I have two sopapillas, and a raspberry crème brulé?" Moon pleated.

"Oh...alright I suppose so...I can yeah you how to properly eat them in case we have dinner with another family, or guest of some sort", her mother mused.

The queen didn't have much trouble preparing the small meal, and slid the elegantly designed plates, and pure silver wear at the table arranging them accordingly. "Wow, I didn't know you could do that", Moon whispered curiously.

Her mother giggled a bit, and looked down at Moon with a small gentle smile. "You have much to learn young one", she stated picking up a spoon with a wider more round dip, but a smaller handle, and a fork that was narrower than what Moon was used to.

"These are your dessert wear. To eat your crème brulé you break the top gently", the queen tapped the top of the dessert causing it to crack, "then you take your spoon, and eat one section at a time to the bottom finishing each at a time", Moon's mother proceeded.

Moon sighed, and did the same thing. She hated being so elegant, but she knew her mom was only teaching her what was necessary. "And the sopapillas, how do I eat them?" Moon questioned knowing her mother would be pleased by her curiosity in proper manners.

"Well it's simple you take your dessert fork, and eat them from the bottom corner either one is fine, and continue to take bites from there, unless of course they are smaller then you pick them up with your index finger, and thumb, and eat take bites from either corner", Moon's mother explained as she began to do so.

Moon began eating her small snack as her mother had instructed, but now Moon was feeling impatient. Her question hadn't been answered. She looked up at her mother meeting gazes. "Are all of the septerians bad, mother?"

The queen sighed, and looked at Moon with slight displeasure in her gaze. "That is none of my concern...", The queen murmured.

"Yes it is! You are the queen you just know!" Moon snapped some of her patience dwindling.

"No it is not! That is your father's concern not mine...", she replied dryly.

"This is nonsense you must know! What happened why are almost none of them here, and why does every one think they're bad?!",the princess continued.

"How would you know if they weren't, or not!?, and why does anything of the matter concern you!? You have never met their kind! They are savage your father has witnessed their cruel, and undignified way of life!"

"BUT THERE ARE MANY MEWMAN'S THAT HAVE COMMITTED SAVAGE ACTS! THERE MUST BE SOME GOOD SEPTERIANS IT CAN'T BE IMPOSSIBLE!" , Moon couldn't help, but raising her voice to an extremely loud volume.

Moon's mother stood furiously. "You are out of line Moon! It is of none of your concern, nor mine! Your father is the military leader not me!"

Moon silenced, and pushed the rest of her dishes off the table, cursing under her breath furiously. She turned around, but spun back to face her mother. "I hate you you're never open about anything I understand septerians aren't your forte, but I thought you'd at least be honest with your own daughter!"

"Moon wait"! The queen yelled after her as she began running to her room.

She jumped on her royal bed after locking her door. Moon more flustered, and frustrated than sad, but surely hot tears stun her beautiful diamond eyes, and her small pink nose as they ran down her rosy cheeks, and fell against her cotton silk laced pillow.

She wished she could be held, and comforted by loving arks, but those arms were far away, and out of her reach. Moon sighed as she descended into a nightmarish sleep.

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