Merry Christmas (Andrew)

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You wake up to Andy right by your side on Christmas morning. You get up and make hot chocolate. You and him spend all day watching movies with Norman.

You saw the light beaming through your window. You fluttered your green eyes open and rolled on your side. You were met with Andy's face. You smiled at the sleeping man. You got close to his face and whispered, "Merry Christmas, Andy. I have a present for you." He slowly opened his blue eyes and smiled. He grabbed your hips and pulled you into his chest. "Merry Christmas, darling. Can I have my present now or later?" You smiled as him beard tickled you. "Later." You laid there for a minute waking up. "Well, we can't stay in bed all day." Andy said with a laugh.

You sat on the end of the bed and stretched your arms in the air. Andy got up and walked to the bathroom. You stood up and walked down the stairs. You cocked your head when you saw a sleeping man. You walked back up the stairs. "Hey, Andy? Whos on the couch?" He walked out of the bathroom. "Norman crashed here last night. He came over right after you went to bed." You took a deep breath. "Oh, I thought some hobo was sleepin' in our livin' room." He giggled and kissed you. "Sorry to scare you." You nodded and walked back down stairs. You walked over to the couch and sat on the table.

You leaned real close to Norman's ear. "Hey, mornin' Norm." He rolled over to face you and smiled with his eyes still closed. "Mornin', sweetheart." You smiled and kissed his fore head as you walked to the kitchen. "You hungry?" He gave a 'Mmhm.' and snuggled back into the couch. You giggled and made eggs, toast, bacon and hot chocolate. "Breakfast is ready!" Andy sprinted down the stairs. "Someone's excited." He laughed and sat down at the table. Norman got up off the couch to join you guys. "Morning, Norm." He stretched and sat down. "Morning, Andy."

You gave them both their plates and sat down next to Andy. You all ate your breakfast and put your plates in the sink. "Hey, Norm? How long do you plan on stayin'?" He shrugged his shoulders and sat right back down on the couch. "How long can I stay?" You giggled and sat down next to him. "As long as you'd like." He nodded and smiled. "Hot chocolate, anyone?" They both snapped their head to look at each other. "HOT CHOCOLATE!!" You stumbled backwards and flinched. "Jesus!" They busted out in laughter as they sank into the couch.

You walked back into the kitchen and made their drinks. "Don't spill it." They got excited again and sat down. "Yay!" You scoffed as you giggled. "I married a dork that just happens to be friends with another dork. Yay me!" They laughed and drank the hot chocolate. "That's on you! You said yes." You laughed and sat down with your drink. "What do you guys wanna watch?" They looked deep in thought. Norman got an idea. "I heard 'A dog's purpose' was a good one." You nodded and looked at Andy who was also in agreement. "'A dog's purpose' it is." You turned on the TV and put on the movie. You sat back down and watched it.

About 1/4 into the movie and you were already crying. They boys looked at you with curiosity. "Why are you crying?" You wiped your eyes as you sobbed. "This is so sad! He just died for the 2nd time!" They laughed and leaned back. You leaned across the couch and punched Norman in the arm. On your way back, you punched Andy. "Ow! Fine, we're sorry." You wiped more tears as the movie went on. The end of the movie was happy but you were still crying. "The movie has been over for 5 minutes, darling." Andy said as he was rubbing your back. "I know. Its Christmas and I'm crying." You laughed hysterically. Norman laughed with you. Andy eventually chimed in.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart." Norman said as he walked out of the door. "Merry Christmas, Norm." You and Andy said at the same time. Andy looked you in the eye. "Now what are we going to do to pass the time?" He gave you a devilish grin. "I have an idea." You grabbed his face and kissed him. "Your a mind reader." You smiled under the kiss. He picked you up and carried you up the stairs, into the room and on the bed. You squealed as your back hit the bed. Andy stood at the foot of the bed admiring you. "Merry Christmas to me." He giggled as he jumped on you. "Merry Christmas, Andy. Now you may open your present." And as they say, the rest is history.

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