Your Drunk (Norman)

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You were at home when Norman came knocking on your door, obviously drunk. You drove him home because he walked to your door. You spent the night there to keep an eye on him. You woke up in the morning and he apologized.

"Your not gonna poke her with a stick!" Whispered Sam. You were watching Supernatural. It was you favorite show to watch at night other than The Walking Dead. It was about 10:30 at night and you were almost ready to go to bed. You were about to close you eyes and just sleep on the couch. *knock...knock......knock* Odd. You slowly got off the couch with a long, frustrated sigh. "I'm comin', I'm comin'." You called through the house. "Who the hell could be here?" You whispered. You opened the door to see Norman smiling at you.

"Heyyy!" He exclaimed. He lunged towards you and gave you a sloppy hug. "Woah! Norman!" He laughed a weird laugh and tried to stand back up. He failed. "Come on." You picked him up off the floor and drug him inside. You laid his intoxicated body on the couch. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and some crackers. "Whaat 'r' thooosse 'fr'?" He asked. "Your dehydrated and the crackers will help sober you up." He smiled. "Err suuch a gooood frnd." You gave a small smiled back and sat on the couch will him, waiting for him to finish.

"Done!" He yelled through the house. You took the cup from his hand and tossed it in the sink. "Alright, now we gotta' go to your house. Come on." He wobbled his way to a standing position. You grabbed his arm and put it on your shoulder. You took him to the garage and set him in your truck. He giggled about nothing and closed his eyes. You got in, started the truck, and left for his house. You had arrived at his house. You got out to help him out. You guys walked to the door. You dug in his pocket for a key until you found a spare under the mat after you kicked it to the side.

You bent down and grabbed the key, unlocked the door, and walked in. You and Norman walked up the stairs to his room. He groaned the whole time you were getting him into bed. "Norman, you have to get in bed. You aren't aloud to go anywhere else tonight." You said with annoyance. He finally went to bed when you kissed him on the cheek. "Night, Y/n." He said sleepily. You smiled a small smile and closed the door. "Well, fuck it. The couch it is."

You were about to dose off when your throat got very dry. You stood up and got a small glass of water. "Mhmh." You hummed into the glass. You set it in the sink and leaned on the counter to think about how you were going to everything tomorrow. You gently, involuntarily, closed your heavy eyes. Your head rested it's self on your arms and slowly sank to the floor. Total darkness covered you. Sleep.


You woke up to the smell of coffee the next morning. You sat up on the floor. "What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself. You stood up remembering what all happened. You walked around the counter to see a pot of coffee made. You looked out the screen door to see Norman smoking and drinking from his cup. You walked out of the door to join him. "Morning." You greeted him with a half smile. He looked to the trees with a frown. "Norman." You got worried. You walked over to him and grabbed his chin.

You forced his face to look at you. His eyes remained glued to the floor. "Norman, look at me." He slowly looked up with a tear in his eye. "I'm sorry." Was all he could choke out. "What?" You said with confusion. "Last night, I felt like a baby that had to be taken care of. Go get some coffee and then we can talk about it, sleeping beauty." He said looking back in the forest. You let go of his chin and sat in the chair across the patio. "I would have gotten up sooner to check on you but the floor was just so comfy." You giggled. He gave a small giggle trying to match yours. "Sorry. You looked so cute, I couldn't wake you up." You knew you were blushing by now.

"So, all is forgiven?" He gave a small smile. You chuckled and walked to him. "No, but I think we can make it up some how." He gave a sly smile. "Mmm, like what?" You got real close to his ear and whispered, "Maybe, you can do dirty thing for me." You said in a seductive tone. "Like... Wash the dishes, sweep, and if your lucky scrub the toilet you puked in 4 times last night." You pulled back to see a disappointed face. You laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Come over when your done." You said then left the man alone. You laughed the whole way home thinking about Norman's face.

Norman Reedus and The Walking Dead cast ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now