My Boys (CAST)

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Summary: You were at the season 7 premier of Talking dead with the cast. It had been a really hard episode on you. You, Steven Yeun and Michael Cutlitz had a really close connection. You break down when Chris Hardwick asks a question.

You were on the side waiting for your que with Norm and Andy. Steven would have been back here with you guys, but of cores he was the 1st out with Michael. "Now lets give a warm welcome to the amazing Y/n Y/l/n!" You walked on stage to sit with the cast. "Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln!" They too walked out to the sound of Chris's voice. Norm and Andy sat right beside you. "Ah, the gangs all here!" We all let out a small laugh. "Welcome everyone! We will start the questions in just a moment. First, how are you guys?" Everyone looked around and smiled. You were the 1st to answer. "Good, other than what just happened. We're hangin' in there." Everyone smiled. "That's good to hear. Alright, so the questions. This one is for Y/n.  'Dixon139' asks, "What was it like loosing Glenn?" I mean, we all know you two have a strong connection on and off the show. What was it like? How do you feel?"

You felt a lump in your throat form due to the question. "Umm, it was quite heart breaking. We are all family, so loosing these two was just miserable." You were in tears. "These are my boys. I'm sorry. It is just so traumatic." Steven and Michael stood up and walked over to you. They outstretched their arms and hugged you. You cried into Steven's shoulder. Michael rested his head on your shoulder. The whole crowed 'aww' ed as you sobbed. They walked back to their seats and sat down. Norm and Andy stood up with a odd face. "What are we?" You giggled as they walked over to you. "Your mine too. I claim both of you." Norm picked you up and kissed your cheek. Andy hugged you from behind when Norm set you down.

You sat in your seat with a wet face. You looked to the right of you to see Norm and Andy making heart signs. "We love you!" You laughed and wiped the tears. "Love you too, guys! Love you Steven and Michael!" Now that everyone sat down, Chris started with the questions again. You looked at him and saw that his face was wet too. "Chris, are you crying?" He made a pouty face and wiped his face. "No! Why would you think that?" The crowed was filled with laughs. "Man, that was touching. My heart can't take it. Is there any competition on who claims them?" All of the women shook their heads and scoffed. "No! We all know that they belong to her. No competition there. The boys know who the belong to." Lauren already knew the answer.

You finished the show and walked backstage. "Hey, Y/n!" You turned around to see Steven and Michael running towards you. "Yeah?" They didn't say anything, they just engulfed you in a bone crushing hug. You felt two pairs of arms wrap around your small waist. You now had four men hugging you all at the same time. You already knew that the other two were Norm and Andy. Duhh. "We love you, Y/n!" You giggled as the tears ran down your face. "Love you too!" You just stood there with your arms wrapped around the biceps of Norm and Michael. "Love you guys." The all let go and went there separate ways after giving you individual hugs.

You walked to your car and got in. You opened your mirror to see your makeup running down your cold face. The rain didn't help any. You went home with Steven, Michael, Andy and Norm in your mind. You sent them all a text when you got into bed. "Goodnight, be safe, love you guys." You were going to miss the two of them but knew you would never stop loving them. They all sent a text back saying how much they love you. Andy's was, "I love you so much, darling." You smiled and read Norm's, "Your the love of my life, sunshine." You let out a small giggle as you went on to read Steven's, "Love you to the moon and back." A tear ran down your face as you read Michael's, "Goodnight, my love." You already missed them and you saw them 2 hours ago. This was going to be hard.

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