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well, there we were. just me and miguel  stuck in the depths of hell with nowhere else to go. i groaned in annoyance. "ughhh, we are never gonna get out of this dump!!" miguel  tried reassuring me. "aw, come on tulio! we'll find a way out."

"what do you mean we'll find a way out?! THERE IS NO WAY OUT!" i breathed in and out heavily.

"but there is! look, tulio!" miguel  pointed to a portal thing not too far away.

"how do you know that won't take us to another place in hell?" i asked. miguel  shrugged.

"well its worth trying. come on! let's go."

we ran to the unguarded portal.

"are you sure about this, miguel?"

"absolutely!" i shrugged and went along with his plan. miguel  entered the portal first, then i followed after him. we were in the middle of the portal now, screaming. suddenly, we saw the exit. we got closer and then fell out. a huge palace was now in front of us, and we were surrounded by guards.

"now, now gentlemen. we come in peace." the guards obviously didn't listen to miguel  and tied us up in rope, dragging us to the palace inside.

Kuzco x Tulio SlashWhere stories live. Discover now