boom bam baby

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ok so dig this. i was just chilling on my awesome throne in my awesome palace as usual, right? then these two losers come out of nowhere and start raining on my parade!! now that's just rude, wouldn't you agree? so my guards drag these guys in, you with me? they're just there being losers who intrude on my personal property. "you kids get off of my lawn!" am i right? haha...

anyway i ask the dweebs to indentify themselves so they kinda do that.

"i am miguel." says the blond bearded one.

"and i am tulio." says the black haired one with the ugly goatee.

"and they call us miguel and tulio." the blond one says again.

"ok ok!!! i get it guys now cut it with the fancy introduction thingy. im  emperor kuzco and you two losers happened to be on my property! you still are, too!!!"

"what are you going to do with us?" asks the blond guy.

"i dunno, life imprisonment?"

"just because we were on your property? oh come on! that's a load of crap!" says the black haired dude.

"well that's just how i roll kid. deal with it."

"kid?! im  older than you are!! you're what, seventeen?"

"actually im  eighteen, thank you very much."

"whatever!! im  still four years older than you!"

i sighs. "guards, take them to the prison. im  tired of this." the black haired guy named miguel  i think- no, wait. tulio is the blacked haired one. the black haired guy named TULIO starts shouting at me as the guards drag them to their cells. "boom bam, baby." i say awesomely after that.

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