malina is triggered

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shut up, tulio. can't we get back to ME? thanks, honey.

so my hottie hot hottie girlfriend malina walks in, right? aside from just being a hottie, though, she happened to be a reporter for the one and only kuzconian times paper. but that really doesn't matter. what happens after this may absolutely BAMBOOZLE you!

anyways, by her expression she's CLEARLY infuatuate- infactu- in love with me. with me being the charming, likable casanova that i am, i watch her skirt and start to flirt. NOW i'm in gear!

"what's up, my hottie hot hottie hottie? i happen to be going to a show, later. i hope you go, if you know what i mean." i give a saucy wink to her. oh, kuzco. you lovable tramp. i just love me so mu- oh, sorry. i must have been caught up in admiring myself again. but can you blame me?

"...i've got nothing to say." she responds. gods, she's so shy.

"hey, it's okay. anyway, let's... let's start over. good morning."

"good morning."

"so, hot- i mean, malina. what was it that you wanted to tell me? spit it out, dear, i'll be here all week."

she sighs. "kuzco, i'm sick of you still acting just as arrogant as you did before!"

"arrogant? i've never heard of the word."

"don't pull this crap on me again, kuzco! you know darn well what i'm talking about."

"heheh. you know, i can't take you that seriously saying darn."

"i don't care! i don't like swearing that much, okay?! you should've learned by now! in fact, you should've learned after that whole journey you went through with pacha! but no. just when everyone thinks you've changed, you're back to being your stubborn, prideful self! sometimes i wonder why i'm still your girlfriend. just a few hours ago, you imprisoned two poor young men for 'trespassing on your property'. do you really think that's fair?!"


malina groans, pulling at her hair. "that's it, kuzco! i'm done! you don't want to learn anything! i'm done trying to convince you that not everything has to go your way."

"meh, whatever."

malina continues yapping. "if that's how you want to play, then fine. i'm leaving you. goodbye, kuzco." she walks out of the room with her head raised high. i try to stop her, regretting my choices yet again. but it wasn't my fault that i was spoiled ever since birth! she... she should've blamed yzma! or those servant guys who served me!

eh... who am i kidding. i guess it was my fault that i turned out this way, as well. but it was mostly theirs. i'm just saying. anyways, i yell at her to stop, but she ignored me.

"malina, wait! i can't change for good this time, i promise!" but it was too late. she left the palace already.

"...i'm sorry." i sighs and walks back to my throne. a part of me tries to convince myself that she'll be back, forgive me and everything would be okay. but they weren't. i done screwed up.

i was alone again.

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