Our Shenanigans

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I entered the room where Principal Amzy, the chief administrator in this faculty in which young homo sapiens, typically aged numerically from fourteen to eighteen years of age, attend various rooms with other young individuals to expand their mental capacities. Obviously, I was able to see through Amzy's thinly veiled persona, her alter ego. It was quite clear that her supposed surname of "Amzy" was, in actuality, a reversal of my dearest friend Yzma's first name, Yzma. Now usually, any normal person within my range would take me for a mentally lacking human. On the contrary, through, I was obfuscating my supposedly low intelligence. "But Kronk," I can hear you beginning to ask. "Why didn't you show any signs of intellectual capability in the feature length film?" That, my dear companion, is an elementary question to answer. You see, I was hiding my true identity myself at the time (and, to be frank, I still am). My name isn't really "Kronk", but I am not permitted to tell you my real name, either. My alias is all you should know. Since I was forced to escape from my original place of residence, I settled on becoming a different man entirely. I had always been this particularly burly and muscular, so acting as an advisor's bodyguard seemed the natural choice. Then, I faked my intelligence, a majority of it so I could have some amusement. Enough of my rambling, though. Let us proceed with the chapter.

"Is something wrong, Principal Amzy? Did the squirrel take over karaoke night, again?" I inquired.

"No, you cretin! Can you not see through my obvious disguise?" The "principal" replied. "It's me, Yzma!" I shook my head, signifying a "no." Yzma placed a palm upon her face, then removed her outfit. Fortunately, she was wearing her normal attire underneath. I pretended to realize that they were one and the same, though I had known all along.

"Right. So, Yzma, what is it?" I inquired once more.

"You may not have the mental capacity to know this, but Kuzco has broken up with Malina, or rather, vice versa. This renders him vulnerable. Do you see where this is going, Kronk?"

"You have an evil plan?"

"Precisely," Yzma said with a cackle.

"So what is the evil plan?"

Yzma paused to think for a few seconds. "I have no idea. To the thinking room!" Yzma pulled a lever and it took her to the thinking room momentarily. She returned after exactly 30 seconds.

"What's the plan, then?"

"Uh- we take over the school. Tomorrow,  the world!" Yzma let out an evil laugh.

"I don't know. It sounds cliched to me, but I'll go along with it."

"There's a good hulking, brainless minion! Now then, let us take over the entire school!"

And so we did. And it was glorious... while it lasted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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