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I ran, feet slapping the pavement with each step. My chest heaves, but I can't stop.

I trip, and cry out before my body is hurled to the pavement. I weakly lift my self off the floor.

This is the end, is all I can think.

Chara. She steps over me, smirking wickedly. I am trapped between her legs, both of her feet planted on either side of me she leans down and I try to flinch away. I knew if she touched me, everything would be over.

"Tag," she sings, and pokes my shoulder.


She chuckles. "C'mon crybaby, is that really how fast you can run?"

"No!" Yes.

She sighs, shaking her head wildly as she catches her breath.

"Doesn't matter, I'm bored of tag."

"You're bored of everything," I smirk, lifting myself off the ground. I dusted off my beige pants with a few pats. "Maybe we should play something that doesn't tire us out? A game with stealth, a game with skill, a game -"

"- A game that isn't hide and seek?"


Chara picks up a lone rock in the ruins, and chucks it. It soars and hits the wall, bouncing and scraping the ground. I know she's thinking; improvising ideas as her big red eyes search. Up and down, in and around...

"Let's make something, put effort into something," she said, gesturing her hands. "I'm tired of these places we can't go. So let's make something out of it."

The word "make" echoed in my head. Mama made a lot of things: sweaters, paintings, pie...

Pie. I always loved mama's butterscotch pie, the gooey inside stuck to the roof of your mouth so the taste lingered, sweet and moist. I always exclaimed how much I loved it, and she would smile and busy herself with other boring stuff. She always wanted help, but I always wanted to go and play, so I would decline.

But it sounded fun now, and I really wanted to make a pie with Chara. The secret ingredient... would be love!

"Let's make... pie."

Chara stopped her pacing, seizing her walk pattern. She gave me a funny look, and scowled a little.


"Yeah!" I cheered, bouncing into the air excitedly. "You know that pie mama makes all the time? B-scotch? You like butterscotch pie, right?"

"Well, yeah..."

"So, let's go!" I said, already jogging in the direction of the house. But Chara still looked skeptical.. I twirled a little and grinned, a little mischievous one as she brooded behind me.

"I'll beat ya to it, Chara."

I barely had time to run as she blew past me in a blur.

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