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"W-what are y-you doing he-re??" I stammered blinking against the black dots that clouded my vision.

I can see his frame, a dark figure towering over me. I was scared, trembling.

"Hello darling. Did you miss daddy?"

I shivered at the sound of his voice in disgust and fear.


I didn't miss him. Not at all. I hated him with a burning passion.

I staid silent, knowing my words could make him snap wether they were words he wanted to hear or not.

"Aw, come now baby girl. Give daddy a hug."

I scrambled to get away but he lunged forward, grabbing the front of my shirt. I let out a scream as it ripped and he pulled me up and close to him.

"No, p-please . Rob-" his hand whipped across my face.

"Its daddy to you, you filthy piece of shit." He threw me back, a cry of pain leaving my mouth as pain laced up my spine after slamming into the staircase railing.

"I should teach you a lesson." The monster says as he undid his pants.

My eyes widen and I opened my mouth to scream as I moved to get away but he stiffen, his mouth opening into an O  shape. A sound of clothes rustling came before he fell forward, nearly crushing me and I stared at the knife protruding from his back and then up at the creature of darkness that saved my life. His cape blew around him but I didnt even feel  a gust of wind. He was staring at the blood in a trace, his blue eyes glowing an electric color. His blue eyes found mine and he came forward, bending down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, brushing a lock of hair away from my face.

I was surprised. But somehow I felt safe. 

"Yes... Thank you."

Jack studied my face before glancing at the dead corpse of my father.

"We better do something with his body."

I looked between them. "We?"


I watched him as he stood up and opened the door, dragging the body outside. I stared at the trail of blood on the floor before stepping over it and peering out the door, watching Jack  drag my father into the forest across from my house before making his way back. He paused at the staircase watching me silently before coming closer. When I didn't flinch or move, he came closer until he was standing in front of me. 

"Come on, Ill make you something warm to drink." He says in a soft, caring voice. 

I let him tug me inside, clicking on the light. I watch him walk into the kitchen, pulling his hood down as he grabbed the hot chocolate off the counter and got out two mugs. 

His hair went past his shoulders a bit and curled at the end, a raven black and dark as night. He turned on the kettle, and then turned towards me.

"Is your mother home?"

His question snapped me out of it, and I glanced over at the clock.

"Another hour of work." I say, forcing my legs to walk and go to the pantry, getting the mop and bucket.

I quickly mopped up the blood, my stomach rolling and churning inside me. My eyes made their way over to Jack who had his back to me, arm raised as he made me something like he said. Squeezing out the blood into the bucket, I cleared my throat, eyes downcast as he looked back at me.

"I'm just going to go upstairs and dump the water out of the bucket... wouldn't want mom coming to it and seeing red murky water." I say, trying to put a joke in there but Jack didn't even chuckle.

Chewing on my lip, I grabbed the handle of the bucket and trudge my way upstairs. Turning on the bathroom  light, I closed the door behind me leaving a bit open in case Jack came up to murder me and my sister. Then again...I don't really think he would. He had many chances, but he never struck. Though, I still cant really turn a blind eye. He was a killer after all. I stared at the reddish brown water go down the bathtub before washing out the bucket and the mop before the bathtub itself.

His behavior didn't make sense to me. He was kind and chill and easy going towards her. And then he was out there and on the news the next minute about murdering someone. Though, I couldn't help but feel like him murdering her father, he did the right thing. He murdered a evil abusive man. I know I wouldn't really say my father deserves death... At least not 100% but jail for life would have worked. 

Then again, I thought as I came out of the bathroom with the mop and bucket and glanced towards my little sisters room and then my moms room which I knew was empty. I cant help but wonder how many lives my father destroy besides my mom and me and my siblings lives.

Putting the cleaning items away into the pantry, I made my way back into the kitchen where Jack say with a steaming cup of something in front of him. Another cup with steam rising from it sat across from him where the other chair was. I could feel his dark eyes on me, burning and watching as I took the seat across from him. I welcome the heat that came when I placed my hands on the sides. I stared down at the swirling brown liquid, chocolate wafting up into my nose. I glanced up at Jack who was watching me with a guarded expression.

"Hot chocolate? You know how to make it?"

He snorted and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and I realized how ridiculous my question was.

"I'm not entirely helpless. I know a lot of things. And how to make things as well."

"I thought you wouldn't. Considering... I mean... with you being...." I trailed off, not knowing how to say the words or form them. Especially with him right here in front of her.

"The fact that I'm a killer?" He asked in a calm voice and it just made me sit up straighter. 

Jack was intimidating. Maybe that came with him being a killer and all, but it made me want to look brave and can hold my own. Though I knew deep down I couldn't. And, judging by the way Jack raised his eyebrow at me when my body language changed, it seemed he did as well.

"Like I said before, Arabella. You have no need to fear me. If I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead by now." He says, sipping his drink.

I squirmed a bit, feeling like a mouse cornered by the cat that had finally had its prey where it wanted. 

"Its not that. It's the fact that your... different. Like your kind and being helpful." I say.

His eyes burned a bright blue as he watched me. "That doesn't mean you should trust or let your guard down."

I blinked confusingly at him. "What do you mean by that?"

But Jack ignored my question and instead got up, the chair scraping back as he moved and went to the sink to put his cup in. He pulled up his hood, casting shadows over his face and making him look menacing with his blue eyes glowing electric blue now.

"You should drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold. I'll see you again." He says, walking past her and through the kitchen archway. I got up, cup in hand and peered through the archway, at his retreating form and watched as he opened the door and closed it without looking back. I moved forward, locking the door behind him and started going back towards the kitchen before pausing. I glanced into the living room, at the window where the street light shone into the window. I wanted to know if he went to the edge of the forest where he dumped my father and was bringing him somewhere or if he just vanished. But my body felt heavy and was begging for sleep and my head was pounding. So, I headed off to bed after shutting off the lights and went beneath the covers. I had my hot chocolate which I had taken sips from beside me on the nightstand. I thought I wouldn't be able to fall asleep after tonight's episode but sleep came sooner than I thought. I didn't even wake up when mom came into my room to check on me after getting home from work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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