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Diary Entry #1

Hey Diary, it's me. Lena. It's been really rough these past weeks, but I finally paid off my student loans and got myself an apartment! And I also got myself a new job! It's at a rather large company; it's pretty nationally known. Uhh... I think it's called... hmm. Ah! LX Entertainment! I feel rather lucky that I'm even working there! Although I'm an assistant, life is still going great for me.

- Lena ♡

Lena sighed as she closed her light blue diary, laying down on her cozy bed. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Hehe~" she giggled as she squirmed in the fluffy blankets. She snuggled up against her plush-like pillow and slept away, releasing her thoughts as she dozed off. 

~A Few Hours Later~

"Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!" the alarm blasted through Lena's eardrums, waking her from her sleep. Lena sprang her head up and her eyes shot wide open. "Huh?" she mumbled, hastily looking around. She then realized it was 5:34 AM. Lena blinked her eyes a bit before rubbing them, feeling tired. She yawned as she got up to make herself some breakfast. "Well, I have to be there by 6:30 AM, so I guess I can do pancakes..." Lena thought. She made a quick recipe of her favorite chocolate chip pancakes and poured the fresh batter onto the pan. As time passed by, she was able to make 3 pancakes, light golden brown and thick. She poured an appropriate amount of maple syrup, letting it glide down the pancake's sides. Extremely ravenous, Lena gobbled down her delicious breakfast and slid the dishes in the sink, washing them with soap and suds afterward. "Mmm... That was good." Lena savored the last bits of melted chocolate left in her mouth. After washing her plate, she took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and finally put her clothes on. Since it was her first day working at such a big company, she wanted to impress everyone. She wore a pastel pink and yellow sundress that revealed her shoulders along with her favorite white summer wedges. As for her hair, she wore her hair down with a refreshing crown braid. She felt that with this look, she would make a great first impression! 

She finally arrived at her new workplace. It was a living paradise! Lena's eyes twinkled at the see-through glass (only from the inside), it was crystal clear! "Woah..." she said in awe. As she took her first steps inside the humongous building, she heard the satisfying sound of her wedges clicking onto the beautiful, shining white marble floor. "What the-!" Lena thought as she was simply amazed by the building's beauty. As Lena continued to walk throughout the building, she noticed she was a little lost. She rushed back to the front desk, not minding where she was going. "Oof!" Lena fell to the ground. It seemed so that she bumped into someone. She picked herself back up, apologizing tremendously. "I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry! It was all my fault, I didn't pay attention to where I was going a-" Lena was interrupted. "You're right. You were in my way." a deep, yet soft and warming voice said. Lena looked up to see two men, dressed in black, like bodyguards?! In the middle of them, there stood a handsome, tall, young-looking man, he looked around Lena's age. His piercing eyes gazed into Lena's as Lena's kind eyes looked into his. "It won't happen again, I promise..." Lena said in a sincere tone. "Good. Make sure of that." the man in the middle spoke again. He then looked at Lena's name tag and smiled, like it was nostalgic. "Lena..." he whispered, a warm smile spread across his face. Lena then ran off to the front desk, asking about where to go and how to get there. "And go left from there! Congrats on your first day, Miss Evans!" the lady at the front desk cheerfully said. The man in the middle widened his eyes as if he remembered something. "Wh-What's wrong, sir?" the bodyguard said, concerned. The man in the middle turned to his bodyguard, whispering, "Nothing, let's get going now." The three of the men then walked off, leaving the beautiful building. "10th floor... Boop!" Lena exclaimed, pressing the button with the number 10 on it. As she moved back from the elevator door, she too, remembered something. "Wait," she mumbled. "Who was he...?" 

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