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Chapter One: Day One

"How many times do you get the chance to scale a water tower?!" I shouted, reaching for the railing.

"You're going to kill yourself!" He shouted from the ground.

I rolled my eyes, "You and I both know it won't matter in a few months, will it?"

I continued climbing up the water tower, feeling that wonder rush of adrenaline everyone's been bragging about. All my life I've missed out on it. I stayed in the lines. Not today. Not anymore.

I know what you're probably thinking, "Don't jump!" Or you don't care considering you don't even know my first name. Let's start from the beginning of this story. Back in October.


Another leaf crunched under my boot. It was relaxing in a way. It proved that time wasn't just a ticking clock. That it could be more than just a concept. Yet it proved the natural violence of humans. Stepping on a leaf, mindlessly killing it.

"Ugh! Could you listen to me for once?!" Micah rolled his eyes. "It's like you zone out the minute I start talking!"

I sighed, "Sorry. I'm working on it, I am."

He shook his head, "Yeah, sure."

Micah is my boyfriend. He always walks me to school since we live so close to the school. We've been dating for a year now. He's the not the world's best boyfriend, but he's not a bad guy. Or so I'm told by everyone at Applewood High.

Most of the girls there would die if they could have Micah McCall as a boyfriend. I for one didn't care about Mr. Popular. Until he asked me out. That's when I became known as Mrs. Popular. It only made sense. The curly-headed cutie with the Class President. It was a match made in cliché heaven. I immediately became one of the most popular girls in school.

"My parents want you to have dinner with us tonight," He said. "So, I'll pick you up at six?"

"I can't," I sighed once again. "It's family meeting night."

"Can't you get out of it? For me?" He begged though he didn't need to.

Our relationship has never been the best. He can be such a big baby sometimes. If he doesn't get his way, he starts pointing fingers and it leads to an argument. One thing I hate is arguing, so I tend to let him get his way.



By the time lunch rolled around, my stomach couldn't stop rumbling. The thought of food made my mouth water uncontrollably. On my way to lunch, I met Kira by my locker. She was smiling, as always.

"Hey, Kenz!" Kira waved.

She had on a pink sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, light wash blue jeans, and pink flats with small studs on them. Her makeup was flawless. She thickly filled in her eyebrows, adding some highlight for more definition. She winged her eyeliner perfectly and added dark brown eyeshadow. It looked great against her light brown complexion. Her brown -almost black- hair was in a high ponytail. She added her own lip gloss.

Kira Pines. Mostly known as one of the sweetest people known to man. She treats everyone with respect and keeps a smile on her beautiful caramel face. On the rare occasion that her smile falls, she looks like a baby who lost their pacifier. She and I became friends once she realized how much we were alike.

Keyword: were.

I used to be as smiley and happy as her. Back when we met, I had so much to smile about. I was finally in high school and I could finally wear makeup. My parents gave me more freedom. Then I started dating my boyfriend. My smiles slowly faded away and I always find myself upset over something. He's always reprimanding me for something stupid. He thinks we always should be around each other. I think all people need their space.

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