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Chapter Two: A Caring Boyfriend?!

"Bullshit," I glared.

He sighed, "I wish it were."

I shook my head, "Listen, I seriously think you have the wrong person, sir."

He nodded, "I see."

He pulled out a small black notebook from his pocket. There was a small skull on the front cover. He flipped to a page and looked up at me. There wasn't a hint of humor anywhere on his face. He was serious about this.

"Mackenzie Grace Oliver has exactly one year to live. She is to die on October 26th, 2018, aged 18," What he was saying didn't make sense.

Well, it made sense. He was saying I was going to be dead in a year. It didn't make sense that he was the man who got to tell me when I was I was going to die. It didn't make sense that I was going to die in the first place. Of course, I was going to die one day, but I never imagined it being so soon. He had to be lying. There was no way he was the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper is nothing but a myth. Besides that, I really was in great health. I'm not an alcoholic or a smoker.

I was in the best shape I could be in. The chances of me getting suddenly sick were really low. He had to be crazy. Then again, the handsome ones always are.

"Just because you know my name-"

"What will it take for me to convince you?" He asked, getting audibly annoyed.

I thought for a second, "How much do you know about me?"

"You were born December 23rd at nine fifty-seven in the morning. You weren't expected to live due to the fact your mother got into a car accident when she was seven months pregnant with you."

My jaw dropped, "They didn't think I'd make it?"

"No one did. Your father hardly survived himself. He was stuck in the ICU for a month, in a coma. A shard of glass sliced his forehead and made a pretty deep cut. He made sure your mother made it out of the car before passing out," He sounded like he was citing a speech. "He woke up a week before your birth. Due to the stress, you were born two weeks early."

I never heard of any of this. I never knew my parents were in a car accident that almost took my dad. I was told by them that I was the smoothest pregnancy out of them all. There's no way they made up that big of a lie. Even so, he knew my exact date of birth and that I was premature. He had to be telling some sort of truth, right?

"Anyone can read a birth certificate and a news article," I crossed my arms. "Name something only Mackenzie would know."

"Very well," He took a deep breath. "You got to name your dog. You chose Mufasa because of something you grandmother taught you. She taught you that it took balance to prosper. Mufasa was a character who knew that. It wasn't easy running a kingdom and having a family. He found his balance."

I felt a tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it away, hoping he didn't notice. Only one other person beside me knew that story and that was my grandma. She was always able to see the beauty in things and make a lesson out of it. Even though the character died, he lived on through his son. Eventually, Simba found that same balance.

When I was a kid, I thought it was silly. They were only lions after all. As I got older, I realized she was right. It's hard to balance everything in life, but it's worth it. When she passed away three years ago, I didn't know what to do. I became depressed. She was my best friend. After two years of therapy, my therapist decided it was a good idea for me to have another comfort item. She thought it would help me cope better and come to terms with her death.

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