chapter 4

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Me: Hello!
So here is chapter 4 and for some of you who are confuse by this chapter please go back to chapter 1 and reread it because I have change the plot alittle bit and try making it longer so that the relationship builds. Don't worry your still a maid but I just change some things! Anyways enjoy the story. ❤

Walking with sebastian to the stores that are listed under the paper you made sebastian wait and payed.

After checking the list, you then come out of the last store under the list and stretch as you were outside.

"We finish the list sebastian" you said softly as you look at him. Sebastian smiles at you as he was standing near the door, "alright we shall head back now" he says as he you nod and walk with him. On the way back you look at the places that were selling food and see lines and some with less people. Feeling a bit hungry you pull onto sebastian tailcoat  from the back which he then turn to look at you, "hmm? Is there something wrong?" He says as you were looking down.

Sebastian then hears your stomach grumble and looks at you with widen eyes as he chuckles, "I suppose you got hungry from all the places we passed by" he says as you nod, "alright, why not go and eat" he says as you look at him happily.

He just smiles softly as you go and Buy some desserts. After waiting to buy them you go to sebastian and smile, "let eat some together!" You say as sebastian nods.

Both Of you then started eating it as you giggle, "is it good?" You said as sebastian smiles and nods, "it is, I must say this is sweet...." you giggle and couldn't hear his last few words, "like you" sebastian says very low knowing you didn't hear.

You look at him, "Hm? Did you say something" you said as he shakes his head and smirks, "no nothing~" he says and you went back to eating. Sebastian just looks at you as he also ate some of the desert and just kept smirking.

After having a eat out, you then walk back with sebastian back to the mansion. Glancing at him you blush and just look at his charming sexy self, "he should be illegal to look this good" you thought to yourself.

You bump into someone as you apologize and bow, "I'm so sorry!" You said knowing it was your fault for not paying attention. The woman who you bump into just smiles and waves her hand, "it alright my dear~" she says as you smile, sebastian then grabs your hand and pulls you away walking.

You felt shy or bashful as sebastian was holding your hands, looking down to your hand being held by him you glance at sebastian who looked at you and grins, "I'll hold your hand so you won't make a mistake again" he says as you look away and just kept smiling.

Feeling the warmth of his hand you then though about your goal, "since I'm a normal girl then that means I can love whoever I want....I'm not a noble anymore....can I love him?" You said in your mind.

Getting your mind set you heard sebastian, "we are here already, since it dark we should rest and start our day tomorrow again" he says as you nod and try to let go of his hand until he pull your hand close to his face and kiss your hand. Feeling the warmth of his lips, you blush and look at him with warmth.

Sebastian looks up and smirks, "see you tomorrow milady" he says bowing and leaving. You just look at him and walk away inside the mansion going to your room.

"I like him....there nothing I can do now but like him..." you mumbled as you were walking in the halls. Making your way to your room you then walk in your room and closed it, getting your clothes you yawn, "I have to shower...I hate sleeping dirty after a day like today" you said as you walk out the room to the bathroom and lock it to shower.

After you shower you first dry your hair and then put your night gown on without anything under but your underwear. It was dark so nothing really showed unless someone had very good eyes.

Walking out the bathroom you headed your way back to your room, as you get there you see sebastian standing outside his door as he looks at you has widen eyes.

You blush and cover your chest as you look at him, "you just got back" you said as he smiles and nods, "yes, I just finish today work so I'm about to rest" he says as you nod and go to your door holding the knob, " you tomorrow...." you say opening the door and taking a last glance at sebastian who was looking at you. You walk into your room and closed the door going to your bed and covering yourself.

Sebastian changed into his night clothes, as he lay on the bed with the candle on, thinking  about you.

He thought about how smooth your skin is, how wonderful your skin color was to him and how it attracted him or made him pay attention to you. You weren't pale but you also weren't dark, you were like a peachy caramel color. He also remembers the tone and sound of your voice, how soft and gentle it was but also full of confidence. He thought about your eyes and how sharp and how full of light they were, they were sharp but also cute. He thought about the lips that would say his name and speak, how soft they look. Sebastian knew you were peeking at him all the time when you were with him but also the fact you were attracted to him.

"How she smells so good..." sebastian says softly as he imagine the touch of your fingers on his face, with his hands he move his fingers around his face imagining it was yours, "she so" he then pauses and then opens his eyes that he had closed, focusing on his hearing.

Sebastian hears the sound of your voice, your breathing, "she asleep" he says as he smiles, he then gets up and reappears in your room. Looking at you gently as he smirks, "this little woman...makes me warm and hot inside..." he whispers.

He begin to focus on you and back away as he sees you turning, "mmm..." you said softly as he just smirks. Getting closer again he Touches your hair, he felt how soft it was, how beautiful it shined as if you really take care of it. Brushing your hair with his fingers he lean in to kiss the pieces of hair he had in his fingers and grins, "you shall be mine....your everything...your being and your heart..." he says as he leans in more to kiss your cheek softly.

Disappearing, he is now laying on his bed again, touching his lips with his fingers as he once again imagines you in his mind.

"I'm in love with you..." he says as he slowly falls asleep leaving his last thoughts in his head, "I want all of you....everything about you is what I want..."

With his last thoughts he drift off into slumber thinking about you while you were sleeping soundly and warm, dreaming of (your dream of happiness).

Me: your done!
I hope you enjoy it! I will be working on chapter 5 ^^

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