chapter 7

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Going to sleep, you closed your eyes and begin to fall asleep slowly not knowing you were going to get a visitor.

Finally, being asleep sebastian took this chance to come into your room and see you. Sebastian disssapears and reappear in your room as he walks toward to you and get on his knees as he smirks and play with your hair while he lay his arms on your bed, "I didn't see you makes me sad that your avoiding me...but it also makes me want to beg for your attention" he whispers as he guide some of your hair to his lips and kiss it, "I really like you...for the first time in my demonic life...I felt a desire to want you...your soul is pure and makes me drawn to you..." he whispers as he smells the piece of hair he had in his hand, "your so lovely...please don't avoid me...if you do then I don't know what I'm cable of doing..." he says

He then leans toward to your face and kiss you softly which makes your body shiver but in a good way, "goodnight my beloved kitten" he says as he dissapears.

Hearing the birds, you open your eyes and stretch as you yawn, "wow...I had such a wonderful and embarrassing dream..." you said as you blush and cup your face with your hands, "sebastian somehow awoken a side of me...a side that wants desires... " you said. You then get up to start the day and just thought about the dream you had.

Doing the usual stuff every morning you cook and eat and clean and go do your duty. Although you haven't seen sebastian yet, "weird..." you mumbled, you walk to the small room that contains the cleaning product and take them out to take with you, now you made your way to a room you haven't cleaned, opening the door you light a scented candle and opened the window to reveal the room all dusty, "more work..." you thought to yourself as you tie your hair back and put on some rubber gloves.

As you cleaned, sebastian was preparing ciel for the day, "my lord, the party that you have planned out is almost that day, do you want me to order a outfit for you to wear that day?" Sebastian says as he is preparing a cup of tea for ciel while ciel is sitting down on his desk and takes out the unfinished papers he didn't do.

"Yes do that, also have you sent out the invites sebastian?" Ciel says as he fliod through the papers and sigh, sebastian walks toward him with a cup of tea and put it on the desk away from the papers, "yes I have send out the invites and I'll be sure to ask for a tailor to come and bring you samples" he says as ciel grabs the cup of tea and drinks it

Ciel then puts a hand on his cheek as he lay on it and looks at sebastian, "how is that girl doing anyways? Is she being annoying or being rude or not doing her work correctly?" He says as sebastian grins, "she is wonderful my lord, I have not heard of the servants complained about her instead they have complimented her and have said she does her job really good and serious" he says as he smiles.

"Good, I thought because she a noble she won't be able to do anything right afterall a noble has servants who do everything they don't do" he says as he slips on the tea. Sebastian let's out a chuckle, "no my lord, instead of that she does the seems her family has taught her how to love on her own and not to rely on someone to much although they have a lot of servants they can do things on their own" sebastian responds as ciel nods, "that true, after investigating her, it seems her family are well known respected nobles" he says as he puts the cup down and continue flipping through the paper organizing them, "anyways go and do what I ask you and go and help the servants, this mansion must be clean and the outside must look good before the day of the event comes" ciel says as sebastian bows, "yes, my lord" he says as he walks away to do his duty.

Meanwhile you were cleaning the small desks and the dust around the corners and the floor, "I get that the mansion must be cleaned before that day of the event comes but woah, I can't believe no one cleans the whole mansion" you say as you sigh and wipe the sweat off your forehead with your arm.

Going back to cleaning you just hum a song that you heard when you went with your parents to hear piano music, "I love music...there no music around here so I can only hum..." you said as you continue humming.

After cleaning the floor and the tables, you go to wipe the windows. Sebastian who just finish requesting a tailor, he goes to find you and help you or rather take the opportunity to be with you. Finally arriving at the room you were in, he uses his senses to see if anyone was near and grins, "good...we will be alone" he says as he opens the door.

As you were humming you heard the door open and turn to see sebastian, "s-sebatian! Ohh! Umm...hello..." you said as you smile at him awkwardly, sebastian close the door and walk toward you as he pulls you into a hug and kiss you deeply, you look at him with widen eyes and blush as you felt the kiss deepen and moan a little.

Sebastian licks your lips and insert his tongue in your mouth as he played with your tongue with his, "mmm..." you moans as you felt your knees weakened. He then notice and gra only you as he out his hands on your ass and squeeze them, "ahhh...sebastian..." you said as he deepend the kiss once again and is rubbing your ass, feeling a bit turned on, you wanted it to continue more but try to stop yourself before you become more ashame of yourself at the fact you are a unmarried noble woman.

You tried to fight him but he only became more and more lock on you, he then picked you up and walked toward the couch there was and lay you on there, he then put his hands on the side of you trapping you between him, "sebastian...what are you doing..." you said as he looked at you with lustful eyes, he then smiles which made your heart beat, "I want your Devine attention to me y/ been avoiding me when we just started dating...don't do that it else you'll make me insane and beg for your attention..." he says as you blush and looked at him.

Me: stop!
The next chapter will just be you and him making out but it not a lemon ;)
There will be a lemon but almosttttrr
Also go and read my new story undertakerxreader!

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